essay question!!!

<p>You have already told us about yourself in the Common Application, with its list of activities, the Short Answer, and the Personal Essay. While we leave the topic of your second essay entirely up to you, try telling us something about yourself that you believe we cannot learn elsewhere in your application. Please limit yourself to fewer than 500 words.</p>

<p>OK. I have an essay. the problem is: it is more than 700 words long.
how long can it be after the 500 words mark?? if its around, lets say, 600... OK?? or not??</p>

<p>I also want to now if any EA acceptees would be willing to check my essay. Im stll not sure, though, do you know of any case in which plagiarism has happened here at CC?</p>

<p>thanks for your help!</p>

<p>You want to sow the committee that you can follw basic instructions and really they want to read as little as possible so while getting it down to arround 600 is good, getting it down to 500 is ideal</p>

<p>I was deferred EA, but I would advise against sending a 700 word essay since they explicitly say 500. 550 or so is probably fine but I really wouldn’t go too much over that.</p>

<p>I’d be willing to read it and tell you where you can cut it. (I was admitted EA.)
PM it.</p>

<p>They’re handing you a measuring cup that holds exactly 8 ounces and asking you to fill it to the brim without making a mess. And you’re asking if you should put in 9 ounces? This question comes up ad nauseum, and the answer is always the same.</p>

<p>Mine was 627 words and I was admitted. As long as your essay isn’t boring it should be fine.</p>

<p>I was accepted SCEA and mine was 599 words. Don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>any one admitted willing to read my essay??? :S its the only hope I have, since my SATs are at the lower end of the spectrum</p>

<p>I applied EA to Stanford!!
I can help you cut it down…I had to do the same, my essay was exactly 497 words. I suggest you keep it to the limit. If you would like me to read your essay you can PM me and I can give you my e-mail adress. I understand if you would not like me to read it since I applied to college this year.</p>

<p>I’ll check it out if you’d like. PM me.</p>