Essay Score Verification

<p>Does anyone know about the essay score verification ? </p>

<p>My score for Oct, 2011 : Writing 780 ( MC 80 & Essay 8 )</p>

<p>Will the College Board reread the essay if I choose to have my essay score verified ?</p>

<p>I got 800 CR & 750 M .
I am a Junior & this is my 1st test .
I plan to retake SAT for Math .</p>

<p>hmm that’s weird I just saw someone get a WR 800 with the same scores as you
maybe its because we had the writing experimental, so the curve for us was better??
yeah, def ask for verification</p>

<p>but those scores ARE AMAZING as a junior</p>


<p>That person had a 9 on the essay and a 80 MC.</p>


<p>You have the potential for a 2400 superscore If you follow the 12 essay in 10 day guide and try to perfect your math.</p>