Essay: Tell us what makes Stanford a good place for you.

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I'm nearly finished my application for SCEA to Stanford, but this essay topic kinda stumps me. I know that Stanford wouldn't want to hear me rave about them, so what is the best approach to writing this essay?</p>

<p>Any advice would be greatly appreciated,</p>



<p>Well, I would say pick one or two things in particular that you really like and then expand on it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. Does anyone else mind sharing their expertise?</p>

<p>I'd say research the school, especially the CLUBS and students organizations that are related to your primary extra-curricular activities. It's pretty easy to find if you browse their website. Then talk about how you can't wait to join ________ club and could see yourself fitting in with the <insert adjective="" here=""> culture of the campus. Also, if you've ever been to campus, you can describe the feeling you felt when you first walked around. Stuff like that makes your essay personal and shows that you've clearly researched the school, enough to know about some little details that are unique only to stanford (although this advice could theoretically be used for any WHY <strong>"school"</strong>__ essay.)</insert></p>

<p>That's good advice, peachiep. For what its worth, my S was admitted SCEA and he did rave about Stanford in this question. He just talked about all of the things he found so wonderful about the school -- nothing extra creative or anything. His other essays, however, I thought were really special.</p>

<p>Does anyone else have any tips? This is the only part of my application that's unfinished.</p>

<p>Like peachie said, research why you like Stanford. Pick clubs or activities that you are very interested in. They want to know what contributions you will make to the student body. If you can give them concrete examples of how you will contribute and be an active participant in campus life and discussion, they will be more likely to accept you.</p>

<p>this is kinda lateā€¦but did you get in??</p>