Essay Topics! Brainstormed ideas;need help in choosing.(><)


<p>I'm a sophmore and I want to get a head start on the college essays because I might get a bit busy during the next few months or so... T<em>T My current GPA is a 3.5 (9th+10th) since freshman year, I had a C for geometry... ;</em>; And I do have a reason for it, but that reason just makes me sound like a loser and a real slacker. And I don't want to BS my way through the college essay with fake reasons on why I had a C for geometry because college essays should be kept "real," and honest. </p>

<p>But, rest assured, I'm planning on getting a 3.75+ GPA even though most have 4.0 <em>cries</em></p>

<p>So basically, I'm at a lost of topics for my college essay, I don't know what career I'm planning on achieving so an essay on something "educational" is out of the picture. :(</p>

<p>Here are my list of topics that I've brainstormed during lunch:</p>

<p>1) Younger cousin coming back from China; Basically, he plays the piano too and we're at the same level. I was in a "higher" level than him back then until I took a 2 year break... >.> So when he performed a song that was really amazing (nothing big, I could play it too :P) and it had a big impact to me. I had the urge to exceed him and I've gained back my love for piano so I began practicing more. It made that dormant feeling within me awake. I have to thank him for that. </p>

<p>2) Manga; This is actually my reason for my low grades in Freshman year, I've been addicted to manga. In case you don't know what it is, it's basically "graphic novels/comics" but it's drawn by the Japanese, known as "Japanese Manga." So yeah, I REALLY REALLY love reading manga and sometimes I translate manga from Chinese->English for my friends since they're not fluent in Chinese and I really want to share a great story! And some manga has GORGEOUS art, making the guy in there so hot. But... they're fake. ;_; I'm really passionate about manga, it's one of my hobbies, but I don't think it will appeal to the admissioners much because I'll have to explain what it is and all that... <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>3) Me being a tree climber during Elementary School; I've heard that most people tend to write about challenges that they've encountered and overcome and they usually had to do with injuries, the death of someone closeby, and etc. The only injury for me that comes to mind was me being a naughty tree climber that loved adventures. But after that one incident, I've lost my adventure streak and became afraid of heights. So I'm not sure if this is a good one to tell, unless I tell some white lies.</p>

<p>3) Grandma tripped = Broke her leg; This happened a few years ago when I was still in middle school. It didn't put that much as an impact on me, because she turned out to be safe despite her injury. I was really scared when I got the call from my parents though because she was the one closest to me and took care of me the most. I visit her once a week after school for half a year since I was busy with school activities. I thought this might be a good one, but I don't really remember the feelings I felt back then so it might be a bit hard to put the feelings into my essay if I don't know myself. </p>

<p>4) Graphics, Photoshop/Paintshop; Yeah, I enjoy doing graphics, one of my hobby too, lol. Nothing significant though... Since I've never entered a competition or anything, I mostly made banners, decorated my projects(which was the envy of my class, hehe), and wallpapers. Maybe if I learn how to make a layout, I can try using graphics as my essay topic... -_-"</p>

<p>5) BFF bond broken; Ok... So basically me and this girl has been BFF since pre-k, and it was only until middle school, when she tried hanging out with the "popular" gang and such, but we still remained BFF. <a href="Note:%20I%20didn't%20hang%20out%20with%20%22popular%22%20gang%20since%20they%20were%20kind%20of%20nasty.%20Example:%20Butt%20Tag.%20*slaps%20butt*%20Guy:%20Hey!%20Girl:%20-giggles-%20Pretty%20pathetic.">i</a>* And in 8th grade, I got her a birthday present, she didn't talk to me ever since. I heard from my friends that were also her friends said that the present I bought her was paper for dead paper. So that was my biggest *** moment, since I did NOT buy her dead people paper(please don't take this into offense, people. I just don't know how to rephase it. If you know a better name for it, feel free to tell and I'll change! ^^) and I bought that gift from Barnes & Nobles in their gifts section, and I doubt a well known bookstore like that would sell those kind of gifts. And it was origami. I don't know if her way of acting towards me was intentional, like she wanted to break off our friendship but I never found out because she never wanted to explain why. I really didn't know that our friendship bond was that fragile, that a certain misunderstanding of a gift can break it. </p>

<p>6) Mom falling from stool; Kind of traumatized me in a way because I was 8 then and I had a feeling called guilt, because I could of prevent her from falling down. </p>

<p>7) Child Care/Child Hunger; I really want to relieve world hunger even by a little bit. I really can't stand the pictures of child dying from hunger. Everytime I feel mad that I wasn't able to get something happen, I would often feel guilty afterwards because there are people in worser conditions than I am. And there was this earthquake that happened in China last year and that really shook me because of all the innocent children that were lost and there were some that survived and tried saving the others. I thought that was real courage and strength. So I'm currently in the ChildCry club trying to raise money for children and the Red Cross Organization. </p>

<p>Haha, and that's it. Please excuse grammatical errors, I'm not a good writer, had a horrible PSAT score since I couldn't find out the mistakes. I thought everything sounded good! O_O lol. So during the summer, I'll be teaching myself grammar, lol. </p>

<p>Please, any help is fine! I just want to know which topics on there are ones that college would most likely to read and don't find boring/fake or as if I'm bragging. (I really have nothing to brag about.) </p>

<p>And once a topic is chosen, if it isn't too much trouble, I would love for you to make any follow up questions to which I can answer in my essay to make it an excellent one. ^_^</p>


<p>First, you don’t need to explain to colleges that you had low grades because of manga.</p>

<p>I think you should just write about which one you have the most to say about and the one you’re most interested in, because that one will probably end up being the most interesting.</p>

<p>My advice is that you set aside college essays until June 2010. Imo, concentrate on doing well in school, reading widely, participating in ECs that are of interest to you, and enjoying your friends.</p>

<p>The above poster is correct. You shouldnt bother hammering out a full essay now, when it is most likely going to change ten fold by the time you start your applications. Focus on the more important things right now- like your EC’s, Grades, and Coursework.</p>

<p>But- if you insist. I’ll take a stab at constructive criticism. You’ve got a decent brainstorm list going. All of the topics listed can fit imto an Archetype…</p>

<p>Younger cousin coming back from China- Typical family inspiration story. This topic has potential depending on your writing skill- but it might come off as jealousy sparking a silly competition if I read correctly.</p>

<p>Manga- Sounds like a risky essay. Could come out memorable and distinct- as a total redirection of your life. Personally- I think it has flair and could be great. It’s the quintessential distracted by (insert distraction here- girls, drugs, video games, drinking), and turned my life around inspiration.</p>

<p>Me being a tree climber during Elementary School- No offense sounds sort of boring and elementary. You’d have to have outstanding skills to make this one work- i.e. great symbolism. Just my opinion.</p>

<p>Grandma tripped = Broke her leg - Sort of a knock off of the relative afflicted by terrible disease/relative death essay. yawn- and slightly pitiful</p>

<p>BFF bond broken- This seems like one of the most interesting. You’ve got some sparks of humor, with the butt tag and all. You could really make this one work- it’s got elements of all the topics imo.</p>

<p>Graphics, Photoshop/Paintshop- Not really main essay worthy of a topic. Maybe the supplement or the etended EC essay.</p>

<p>Mom falling from stool- Even more pitiful than the broken leg one.</p>

<p>Child Care/Child Hunger- Probably one of the hardest to make stand out. A billion + a google people write about a world problem. Although if you can do well- it really pays off. Totally depends on your style.</p>

<p>Thats my two cents… but you really should wait until later- when you’ve actually started producing your essay. Get a few opinions- may they be from CC or relatives/friends teachers.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>@dchow08: Thanks for the tip! =)</p>

<p>@ADad: True, I should set my essays to a later date, haha. I’ll work on the essays in early 2010 or something :D</p>


<p>Thanks for taking your time and going through my ideas! I appreciated it! <3 I’ll keep the stuff you’ve said in mind! Thanks for the encouragement! 8D</p>