<p>Guys, can anyone tell what my essay grade would be if I couldn't write the conclusion paragraph and have 1 sentence missing from the body paragraph 2 (The other paragraphs have no grammar error and the 1st body paragraph is quite long and detailed) ?</p>
<p>Guys please help!</p>
<p>An essay without a conclusion? Aye, I hope I never get in a situation like that! I think the highest score an essay without a conclusion can get is a 6/12. Same may be said about an essay lacking a thesis. Was the end of the 2nd body paragraph like a conclusion? In that case, the ceiling is higher. For future SAT tests, I advise that when the last five minutes are announced, wrap the paragraph up and quickly write the conclusion. In case your proctor doesn’t announce the last five minutes, bring a watch.</p>
<p>I hope this helped.
Good luck on future SAT tests!</p>
<p>I don’t think thats reasonable. My AP english teacher says conclusions aren’t completely necessary if you’re running out of time. The purpose of the conclusion is to in two sentences restate your thesis or claim and end with a bang. Therefore, I do not see a missing conclusion being that much of a problem, and the reader will take off one point at the most.</p>
<p>Guys, thank you for help! I hope you’re right scoob822; if it is a 1 point loss then I am lucky.
I would appreciate some more opinions, though!</p>
<p>It is not true that the highest score you can get without a conclusion is a 6. That is completely false. The essay graders are instructed to grade the essay on what IS there; not on what is NOT there. On my last SAT, I ran out of time for a conclusion too and while waiting for my scores, panicked that my writing score would be doomed; however, with just an intro and 2 body paragraphs I still received a 10. Chances are if you don’t have time for a conclusion, you probably have 3 very well developed paragraphs, which should be able to impress the essay graders. I know plenty of people that write 5 paragraphs and get 8s and below. The structure is far less important than the actual content and development! I think you’ll be fine
Good luck!</p>
<p>Wow thank you very much! You got a 10 without a conclusion ? It’s amazing! I would even settle for an 8 but still gonna work on my timing!</p>