
<p>I know this has probably been asked before, but I can't find the threads. Would anyone mind telling me if it's okay to write a one page essay for Columbia rather than 250-500 words? They say to keep it withing that limit, but it also says "or one-two pages." Unless 250-500 words is supposedly one-two pages? </p>


<p>It’s fine, don’t worry too much…I wrote about a page single spaced…Lemme just reiterate what I had post on a previous thread: I went to a Columbia orientation and someone asked this same exact question to one of the present admission officers, and she said this–100-ish words over the word limit, 600 words, may be acceptable, but try to keep it at that–and I add this piece of advice from another website: Be careful about going over the word limit because for one, the adcom then sees a student who deliberately ignores guidelines that have been set, plus there are plenty of others that follow the guidelines and get accepted…I’m sorry, it’s not supposed to sound that harsh…but you know what I mean :stuck_out_tongue: Basically, to answer the question, 1 page is fine, don’t worry too much! But read over it, and read over it after you’ve had a mental break! Essay writing can be stressful (especially if you crammed it all in during winter break! Trust me, my friend’s facebook status at one point was “7 essays in 2 days!”…ya…)! So mental break, read over it, and really be picky–what can you eliminate to promote concision? An essay should really have nearly 10 drafts, so really, make sure you need that page!</p>