Essays and Picking out examples

<p>My first and most important problem is THINKING OF EXAMPLES!</p>

<p>It's really hard for me! Most people just read the prompt and pick out these great examples in history and literature from books Ive never read and events Ive never read about in History! </p>

<p>I just did an essay right now on What motivates people to change? and I couldn't think of any examples (even anecdotes)!</p>

<p>And can you use anecdotes and fiction books because those can be fake, made up.</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure you can use anecdotes/fiction books…
but you can always use personal examples
if you want to use literature/historical figures, find a book (or person)that shows somebody overcoming something difficult and directly gaining something from the experience…and try to use the book (or person) almost every time</p>

<p>i personally use different examples every time, but if you have trouble thinking of examples, becoming comfortable with an “ideal example” might help you out</p>

<p>i remember that prompt! and yeah, they’re pretty hard. look up some examples that you can keep with you. lots of them are universal, like world war ii or the great gatsby. i’m sure you can come up with something :)</p>

<p>Yeah, sometimes the job of “forcing” is helpful enough :D</p>

<p>Bump .</p>

<p>Thinking of examples is really easy. Just use the “classics” for literary examples. For historical examples, just use very vague ones like MLK, WWII, Great Dep, etc.</p>

<p>and if all else fails, just make it up</p>

<p>I do not know what these ‘classics’ are. nor do i know what mlk, great dep, or etc. means</p>

<p>and when i make it up it looks fake to the reader</p>

<p>What mabsjenbu123 meant was that you should draw your examples from representative and “flexible” conflicts in history and literature. If you’ve taken any sort of history class (be it 5th grade social studies), relevant examples abound. Martin Luther King, the great depression are some examples. Any history will do. </p>

<p>Think about all the books you’ve read, maybe in class, that involve someone wanting to change a course of action or an aspect in his life. </p>

<p>Great Gatsby, Great expectations, pride and prejudice are what you’d call “classics” that are applicable in this case. They all talk about how love can transform a person. </p>

<p>What I do to prepare is to keep a list of novels or poems (that I have read) and their authors, maybe write down some thematic ideas. If indeed you can’t formulate enough ideas, memorize sparknotes :)</p>

<p>How would you get a 12 on an essay like this? I can present examples well, but basically I end up repeating the same thing, like love can change someone. How do you guys go deeper?</p>

<p>@fluffy1: i know about the great depression and martin luther. but not much about them. i can say VERY general stuff about them like ‘he fought for slavery’ but i cant add detailed examples because i dont know any</p>

<p>and i havent read great gatsby, ge, etc. :frowning: …</p>

<p>^well then read about them</p>

<p>and read great gatsby, and the others</p>

<p>they will help u a lot</p>

<p>@ orange peel:
SAT graders, as far as I know, don’t care whether your examples are made up or not. So, you can feel free to invent any case, as long as it fits in well with the prompt and you are able to reason insightfully</p>

<p>If you haven’t even read Great Gatsby, … or any other classics, don’t worry that much. It’s still possible to get the gists of them by reading Sparknotes’ plot summaries. And then assimilate the examples and details you can draw from these works to the position you’re arguing for.</p>

<p>can i only make up anecdotes or whole novels too?</p>

<p>whole novels if you know how to do it </p>

<li>it’s not as easy as it sounds to make your example seem believable</li>
<li>cooking up an example takes up more time than you might imagine</li>

<p>mostly from life…your mom–role model, hero, anything else. </p>

<p>you–overcome struggles, working with other people, learning from past, intrinsic satisfaction, obstacles, reality v non reality, anything else</p>

<p>sports --hero, protagonists, etc. Ie jordan…</p>

<p>video games LOL last resort–moral degrade(internet–porn :), reality v non–addicted to vid games, dangers of tech, good elements of tech, ease, benefits, religious degredation,</p>

<p>terrorism–liars, savages, undemocratic, bsers, killers, extreme behaviour, group dynamics…deception suicide bombers, judging people not by what they say but how they act each day–they say they are religious and yet hack heads of , treat women like shi9, sell drugs, trade weapons, kill innocent people…if you can invent a freedom what would it be freedom from terrorism lol…what issue concerns you the most and why ? terrorism my safety is valuable to me and the freedom i enjoy is valuble to me(ie im sick of living in a society with so many restrictions on my liberty)</p>

<p>o come on it should be easy…how bout when you were a kid? playing with friends–social self(feedback from other), school class differences–rich go to private schools and you go to public.</p>

<p>heres one: hitler–a hole, murderer, racisst, holocaust, hater, most despised human, </p>

<p>mlk–hero,man of his word,</p>

<p>gatsby–degredation of morality/tradition, social class, superficial, deception(the buchanons), cheating: jordan cheats in golf to reach the top, gatsby is a criminal, buchanons exploit there workers and pretend to be pure.</p>

<p>good old standbyes, military , ww1,2, gulf war, vietnam, hitler, mom and family, sports,</p>

<p>you can actually make up an anecdote as a whole… no one is going to verify.</p>