<p>If you had a Cookie Jar filled with two types of cookies: thin mint or double stuft--which one would you pick?</p>
<p>Thin mint, of course!</p>
<p>Thin mint, hands down.</p>
<p>Thin mints. Oreos don’t taste good. :[</p>
<p>Aahaha, yeah, I’m so not a fan of oreos.</p>
<p>You all lack true epicurean taste. Double stuffed beats thin mint any day.</p>
<p>Besides, thin mint doesn’t taste good with milk, which defeats the whole purpose of a cookie.</p>
<p>Frozen thin mints!</p>
<p>Yeah, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.</p>
<p>^ Omg frozen thin mints are the shiite :)</p>
<p>ha ha, your threads are so funny.
I pefer thin mints.</p>
<p>oreos!!! :D</p>
<p>Easily the Oreos.</p>
<p>Neither. Cookies are bad for you.</p>
You got no soul, Yawn… you got no soul.</p>
<p>Looks like there are none left, I’ll just take the jar and sell it on eBay.</p>
<p>Why the hypothetical situation? I’d take both, and some chocolate chip as well.</p>
<p>People like alexx make this world more annoying than it should be…</p>