
<p>just curious but do colleges see your actuall esaay score or just your writing score...</p>

<p>b/c i only got a 9 on the essay but i still got an 800 in writing.. not that it really matters but i am just curious</p>

<p>Just writing score I think....</p>

<p>they see your actual score(composite) + Writing essay score + The actual essay</p>

<p>They don't use the actual essay to grade your writing skill, rushed writing on a horrible topic is dumb, but they use it to make sure you wrote your essay for the college. At least that's what I heard.</p>

<p>so that basicallly contradicts everything you said....</p>

<p>how do they see you actually wrote the essay... I for one write horrible essays under time pressure. The only way i can get them good is by spending some time on them. Would they think i cheated if they compared my sat essay and my real essay? A good fast writer does not necessarily translate into a good writer</p>