ESSYI vs BELL for environmental science

I’m starting a new thread so this doesn’t get lost at the end of an old one.

How do ESSYI and Brown’s BELL compare?

D25 had wanted to go to ESSYI. She applied in November and the application said you would hear in 2 weeks. She emailed them in December to make sure they had all of her materials, but never received a reply. I tried calling in January and February without receiving a call back.

Since she didn’t hear back from ESSYI, she researched other programs and picked Brown’s BELL in Rhode Island. She was accepted within a week.

Fast forward to today, she received an email saying she was accepted to ESSYI. Obviously we are hesitant because off the lack of communication the past few months.

So is there a big difference between the two programs?


25?? these are high school camps no?

D25 means Daughter class of 25. Sheer is a sophomore in high school.