Estimated Cost of UM Ann Arbor for 2009-2010 s

<p>What would you imagine I would be looking at paying for this upcoming school year?</p>

<p>As an FYI, I am planning on staying on campus in dorms, meal plans, all that jazz.</p>

<p>If you could even do a semester cost, that would be nice.</p>

<p>in-state or OOS?</p>

<p>in state is about $22,729
and out of state is about $44,761</p>

<p>[University</a> of Michigan Office of Financial Aid: Cost of Attendance](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Sorry for not specifying, but I will be in state.</p>

<p>Wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting, but those are last years numbers so I’m sure there will be a slight hike.</p>

<p>yea, it’ll be a bit more expensive this year…but i doubt it would go up more than $2000-3000 tops.</p>