<p>How accurate were you guys when putting down hours for your app? I counted the weeks precisely and for activities I had started senior year, I counted only the weeks up until the day I submitted my app, even if I would have continued the activity afterwards.
But after talking to friends, who all told me that they exaggerated a bit with their hours+weeks, I'm feeling slightly stupid. D:
Did you guys fluff up your hours as well? I hope we all get points for meticulous honesty... hehe</p>
<p>Mine are pretty accurate. I can’t bear to lie!</p>
<p>Did not lie maybe even underestimated.</p>
<p>yeah i’m thinking i might have underestimated by accident whoops.
well, better than grossly overestimating and feeling guilty, i guess.</p>
<p>I find it difficult to gauge how much time I spend on each EC. Does time spent preparing for an EC at home count? Either way, some of my hours may be unintentionally inflated, others underestimated.</p>
<p>I think time spent at home depends on the activity… So use your own judgement for that I guess</p>
<p>I found it annoying. I wanted to provide a range of time…</p>
<p>honestly, i think by the rest of your application they’ll know if you devoted a lot of time to an activity or not by what you’ve done with it. if you’ve spent 75647356783465347 hours doing something… and it’s had no impact, it means nothing.</p>