For those experienced engineering Aggies, I’ve got a question about ETAM. My son is applying for fall of 2020. He put Computer Science as his 1st choice and Mechanical Engineering as 2nd choice major on his application. He is on the fence, not sure which one he really wants to pick as his major. When it’s time to choose, assuming he has a 3.5, can he pick whatever he wants or is he stuck in the computer science since that’s what he listed as his first choice?

@texasaggie99 He will select major at time of ETAM. Everyone starts in General, so no, it doesn’t matter what he lists first. If someone else knows differently… please tell me!!!

When you say he is applying to ETAM for fall 2020, do you mean he will apply in Nov of 2020 to be in a major for Spring 2021 or he is applying Spring of 2020 to be in a major for fall 2020? What is his current class status?

The way it works is he will list up to 5 majors in order of preferece. His application will go to the department of his #1 choice. He will be admitted to that major or declined. If declined, his application will move to the department for the #2 listed major. Again, he will be accepted into the major or declined. If declined, his application will go to the #3 listed major and so on. If he only lists two and both majors turn him down, then his application will be reivewed by all majors that have openings and an offer of 1 or more majors will be made to him. He can accept an offered major or try again the next semester, if he hasn’t run out of eligible semesters. Students only get 4. If they are not in a major at the end of their 4th semester (if they began in math 151) then that is a whole other can of worms to find a major they will accept or transition out of engineering.

If he is offered a major that he lists on the application but he really doesn’t want it, he cannot turn it down and try again the next semester.

@Thelma2 sorry, I wasn’t clear. He is applying to A&M as a freshmen for fall of 2020. On his application to engineering it asked what his top 2 choices were and he put computer science and mechanical engineering. He was wondering if when it’s time for ETAM does he have to keep those same 2 in that order since that’s what A&M has listed on his portal right now. Sounds like he doesn’t, he can pick a different engineering choice as his top one if he decides to switch.

The choices on his original admission application are in now way binding for ETAM. A lot of students will gravitate toward something new during their pre-ETAM semesters!