<p>I thought it would be nice to post a discussion thread involving europian students ! :D Which country are you from ? </p>
<p>Hi! This is a great idea! I’m from Hungary. :)</p>
<p>Hi! I’m from France
Where are you planning to apply ?</p>
<p>I’m from France as well…</p>
<p>Bounjour I’m from Italy! ( I actually need to learn french because I’m applying to EPFL in Lausanne ) I’m applying to a lot of schools ahaha wbu guys ?
@LayraSparks omg a friend of mine lives in hungary , it’s an amazing country </p>
<p>Hey! I am from France too. are you guys incoming freshmen for the coming fall or are you high school seniors?</p>
<p>Bonjour á tous from France! </p>
<p>I’m a senior now & will be taking a gap year, and I’ll be applying to about 11 schools in the US. Got rejected by most places this year…</p>
<p>@Penny95 Oh, that’s nice! I also happen to have a friend from Italy! </p>
<p>I’m a High School Junior tdkknd
What happened LayraSparks ? :/</p>
<p>@MaximeP What do you mean? About the rejections? Well, basically, I asked for financial aid. That’s what happened…I got into two places in the US, but decided none of them were really worth the loans (I would have attended had I gotten more merit aid/fin aid), so I’m taking a gap year & redoing some exams & working on my portfolio. All good.
<p>I’m from Sweden, but not applying for schools this moment. However I’m planning to study in the US a year when doing my masters, or maybe doing a double diploma thing.</p>
<p>Hey! I’m from Sweden. I’m a future student (if I ge admitted) for Spring 2015. Cuny - NYC :-h </p>
<p>@LinaL92 Hiya Lina! :)</p>
<p>What up! I’m in the UK (Scotland to be specific - might be a new country come September). Nice to meet you guys! I’ll be applying to 13 schools in the states, some in the UK and some in France!</p>
<p>Hi guys I’m from France, I’ll be a senior next year and I’m working my butt off to get into a US college :P</p>