European student looking for informations about UM

<p>hi! I'm an italian girl going to UM next year with an exchange program and I need some informations such as...</p>

<p>is the UM full of european people? How americans deal with them?</p>

<p>I'm 22...too old? Because someone told me the average is 20 in American universities</p>

<p>should I stay in the dorms or off-campus? Because I should eat organic food only and I've no idea how the dinner halls are like, but I'd enjoy to stay in a dorm because our universities haven't!</p>

<p>I'm doing this exchange because I can't stand my university anymore, it's full of well-groomed, bigot and snobby how's the university environment at the UM?</p>

<p>Besides I like reggae and drum and bass music, are there any reggae or d'n'b clubs?</p>

<p>Thank u!</p>

<p>UM has some rich/snobby people but its easy to stay away from them.</p>

<p>I would recommend living off campus- the dining halls are terrible and they don’t serve organic food. You’re better off living off campus in apartments on Red Road. I don’t think 22 is too old at all. I know plenty of people who are 22 at school.</p>

<p>There are tons of Europeans. My neighbors are from Brussels and Paris and I’ve met several people from Denmark, Germany, Italy, UK. They’ve all fit in really well as far as I’ve seen. We had the Wailers come to campus this year (Bob Marley’s Band) so yes there is reggae!</p>

<p>I also think you are better off living off campus or in on-campus apartments if you have dietary restrictions. There is a Whole Foods market on Red Road right near campus and other health food stores as well…Beehive Natural Foods is one.</p>