<p>G.P.A 3.85 I don't know if this weighted or not that's what it said on my report card.
Rank 30/250 there's about .15 of a grade point seperating me and the 10th ranked student.
Sat 2200 780 Math 720 CR 720 W
No SATII's yet haven't taken them. I plan to take them with the A.P. tests.
A.P.'s I am only taking A.P. U.S. becuase most of the other A.P. classes are senior classes except A.P. English & Comp. I plan to take 5 A.P.'s senior year A.P. (Spanish, English, Government, Biology, maybe Studio Art)
Also by the beginning of senior year i will have completed Calculus I,II,and III and i will start taking business calculus at my local university. "HSU"
I am also part of the Gilder-Lerhman History Academy where we take U.S. History for 4 years. My high school is the only school that has it west of the MIssissippi. River.
EC's Soccer 4 years i played travelling soccer for 3 of those years
Tennis since 6th grade (Varsity this year and hopefully next year)
Violin I have been playing since 4th grade
Part of student government since 4th grade. I'm the elections and assembly commisioner at my school So I have to plan all student elections and assembly's such as Homecoming.
Spanish club-9th grade to current
Art Club 9th-current (11th grade)
Peer Tutoring
I spent last summer working at my old elementary school and taught remedial students basic math and history
Volunteered at local hospital 300 hours by end of december.</p>
<pre><code> Awards: I have the generic awards top 10% of your class, lamp of knowledge based on g.p.a. History Day, Science Fair.
Also I have done the Brown Summer program which I did freshman summer and I plan to either Do the brown summer program again or Do the Harvard Summer Program (I would take Marine Biology which is something that i Love and hopefully might be able to major in and Calculus III)
I know I'm the best qualified applican for top colleges but I would love any suggestions and recommendations that you would offer.
Liberal Arts Colleges: Bowdoin, Grinnell, Williams College, Reed College, Claremont McKenna, Pomona, and Oberlin are my main choices
Universities: Johns Hopkins, U of Chicago, UVA, Cornell (Can i get in with early decision), U Penn, UCSD, UCLA, UCSB, Rice, College of W & M, Tufts, and Vanderbildt.
If you have any suggestions on what i have no chance of getting into tell me; even if you grill me i don't care i want to knowt the truth. I hope i have a shot at a couple of these.
Do any of you know which school has a good marine bio. program i know DUKE does but i will be rejected there. Someone told me georgetown but i'm not good enough to get in there either.