<p>All rightyy! I was hoping you kindly folk could chance me at a few universities I'm applying to/thinking about. :) And perhaps if my chances are low, could you recommend similar alternatives? Thanks guys. ;D </p>
<p>*UCs: *
San Diego,
Santa Barbara. </p>
<p>*Privates/Out of States: *
George Washington University,
Tufts University,
University of Chicago,
Boston College,
Lehigh University.</p>
GPA: 4.2 W/3.83 UW
Class Rank: 28/640 (top 5%)
AP Tests: U.S History - 5, AP Psychology - 4, AP Euro History-2 (The average for this teacher was a 2.)
Course load: Generally took the most difficult load offered except for junior year - only took two APs.
Senior Schedule: AP Calc A, AP Comp Sci A, AP Literature, AP Government/AP Econ.
SATI: 1860 (I know, awful. Will it be that much of a hindrance? )
SAT2: 740 U.S history, 640 Lit
Major: International Relations
Other info: 1st generation college student..</p>
1. Member of a philanthropic club on-campus (roughly 100 members) - 9th grade received the Member of the Year award, 10th grade I was admitted onto the executive board, 11th grade I became president, and now I'm the secretary. Very influential.
2. Member of California Scholarship Federation - tutor kids in a variety of subjects and need to maintain a high gpa to stay in the club.
3. Volunteered at the local hospital: 100hrs.
4. Worked the 2008 general election. (It was really a great experience. :))</p>
<p>I realize my test scores pretty much suck and that I don't have the best ECs in the world.. so be honest if I'm shooting for the moon here. :P</p>
<p>UCs: assuming you’re from Cal, they should be easier than Out of staters
Berkeley, reach
San Diego, low reach
Davis, match
Santa Barbara.match </p>
<p>Privates/Out of States:
George Washington University, reach
Tufts University, high match
University of Chicago,high reach
Boston College, low reach
Lehigh University.(not sure)</p>
<p>You’re GPA/rank is top notch. Your Sat II’s are solid. EC’s are alright. What will hold you back a bit will be the SAT’s. If you have any opportunity to take the December one I’d definitely advise it if your apps are due on 1/1. or ACT. With what you’ve got right now, I’d suggest you to write strong essays to put you in a better position. Best of Luck.</p>
<p>you might consider University of Pacific if it interests you; you seem like a solid applicant for UCSD/UCD/UCSB…As for UCB, it’s based on the package as a whole.</p>
<p>Have you already applied? Unfortunately, I’d say your SAT’s might disqualify you for Tufts, Berkley, and Chicago, but other than those, your chances look pretty good.</p>
<p>I’ve already applied to the UCs and working on the privates. I really had my eyes set on Tufts… it seems like a great school and I keep hearing about it’s reputable IR program which I want to pursue. Ah well, standardized tests got the best of me. I’ll still try! :)</p>
<p>Tufts is much harder than GW so bvrian was a little wrong on that. I honestly don’t see you getting into Tufts, Berkeley and Uchicago. So I agree with simpson98. But you have a good shot at the other schools and I wish you the best!</p>
<p>DC thanks for your honesty. I’ll still apply to Tufts, probably take off UChicago. Would you think the reason I wouldn’t get into Tufts is mainly my SAT score or just a combination of weaknesses. Ah I’ll just hope for a miracle. :)</p>
<p>Your GPA is solid and your extracurriculars are pretty good. I’d say the weakest has to be your SAT score though… but the fact that you are a 1st generation college student might make up for it. :)</p>
Berkeley, - reach
San Diego, -match
Davis, match
Santa Barbara. low match </p>
<p>Privates/Out of States:
George Washington University, - match? idk this college well.
Tufts University, - low reach
University of Chicago, - reach
Boston College, - match
Lehigh University. - match?</p>
<p>I’d say you try University of Michigan (good public school) or Rice University.</p>