Everyone else is doing it... GTown's own "or" thread!


<p>Michael Jackson or Kobe Bryant?</p>

<p>Kobe Bryant.</p>

<p>Cat or Dog?</p>


<p>Legs, boobs, or butt? :P</p>


<p>Eyes or lips?</p>


<p>blonde or brunette</p>


<p>formal or casual?</p>


<p>not being able to think of any "or" questions, or thinking of too many "or" questions?</p>

<p>at this point...not being able to think of any</p>

<p>blonde or brunette</p>

<p>brunette .</p>

<p>parrot or lizard?</p>


<p>house or representatives or senate? (I'm watching C-SPAN right now as the intel bill is about to be voted on. I know, I'm a very exciting individual)</p>

<p>house... it's more republican</p>

<p>here's a provocative one: beging able to afford Georgetown, but not getting in or getting in, but not being able to afford it?</p>

<p>Getting in and not being to afford. I'd find a way, even if it meant I worked 40 hrs/week and took out huge loans. </p>

<p>Math/Science or Humanities?</p>


<p>marrying for looks or money?</p>


<p>biology or chemistry?</p>


<p>survivor or the apprentice?</p>

<p>the apprentice!</p>

<p>Reality TV or soap operas?</p>

<p>Reality TV.</p>

<p>The agony of not knowing or knowing that you've been deferred?</p>

<p>Knowing that you've been defered.</p>

<p>Starbucks or Seattle's Best?</p>

<p>Starbucks...never had seattle's best...</p>

<p>capuccino or frapuccino?</p>


<p>Almond or Caramel syrup?</p>