Everything has been sent to Miami, but they haven't received anything according to the portal.

Is this happening to anyone else? It’s the only school that hasn’t updated their portal. Does it take them longer than other schools in your experience? SAT and application sent almost a month ago. Transcript sent more recently. Thanks

Same here. Applied mid-October. Sent ACT scores in August and another school in the same batch got them. Our school just sent the transcript and counselor rec. Teacher rec was sent last week. I’m giving it 2 weeks. Portal says it could take 2 weeks, but I’m betting more.

I called them this morning. We’re having the same issue. The person who answered said it can take up to 4 weeks to get scores uploaded. He said our Nov 1 deadline was not at risk.

Thank you! I’m just surprised, because my daughter applied to a few schools that are much bigger and they seemed to be more organized and had everything in order. It’s reassuring to know my D isn’t the only one. Good luck! @STEM2017 and @firstwavemom

Yeah, I would definitely not worry guys. I’m in the same process right now, but transferring instead, and they do not seem to be very organized. Usually schools have a set date when all decisions come out, but UM just does whatever they want. Don’t think it’s as disorganized once you’re in, my friends have told me they’ve never had an issue, it’s just the admissions process that’s a tad bit tedious. If you’ve sent everything, don’t worry. It’s most likely there, they just never update their canelink. Good luck to your kids, I wish them the best!

How do you know if they received scores and information. On mine it says I don’t have anything on the to do list, but I want to make sure.

You kind of don’t, until a couple of weeks after you’ve recieved your canelink. They take several weeks to update your to do list, so I wouldn’t be too stressed about it

November 5 and still no SAT on UM website. They were sent Oct 17. LOL

They have everything now EXCEPT for the SAT scores which were sent a month ago or so. @STEM2017 It’s one of those schools that is barely on my radar anymore.

I cant remember from high school if they were sent physically or electronically, but call them once again and request them to look for it, if send electronically. They have the means to do it, so be on their butts

A few things were missing as of November 3 or so. Everything else seems to be there but S19’s application is incomplete because ACT scores are not there. I sent my son’s scores on August 10. He submitted his application on October 15. So, we’ve waited about a month. May need to call Miami and follow up with ACT…

They have everything they need except for the SAT scores that were sent awhile ago. Looks like I will have to call again too. Every other school got the SAT scores so it might just be Miami’s issue

So glad for this thread! Just discovered today that the SAT score was missing. Glad it sounds like it is likely there after all.

mine is the IB scores does anyone has the same issue?

Are you all getting an e-mail about missing stuff? Or are you just seeing it on the portal to do list?

My son got an e-mail today from canelink saying to check his portal that there was a message. That was the first time since he applied on 10-1 (portal received 10-2). It says he’s missing UNGD audition (for Frost school of music). And it says on the to do we’ll be contacted by e-mail to schedule but he has not been emailed to schedule as far as I can tell. He submitted his music application via Slideroom to Frost on Oct 29.

I think the music department is completely different from everyone else here, but if he recently submitted his application, then he should soon receive an email from the school to schedule the audition. I would advice to give them a call, but I don’t think any of us have received emails telling us about the pending stuff, at least not me


Son got a similar email - but for his SAT. Ridiculous. Now I have to call the College Board, get the batch number for his SAT that we sent on 10/12, then call Miami and tell them where to look.

@STEM2017 ugh…my son got that email too regarding his SAT score. Did you talk to UM and they told you to get the batch number from College Board? We have a receipt from CB that shows the schools my son’s scores were sent to and what date they were received, but I’m not sure if there is a “batch number” on it.

@kforty2 I did speak to UM earlier today. I told them I have a batch number and a confirmation that the scores were sent. The person at UM told me that we are fine and not to worry about the EA deadline. She basically said, “if College Board confirmed sending them and you have a batch number then we (UM) have them. It just takes a long time for us to attach them to your file.”

Other schools seem to have a much better handle on this process.

By the way, I called two weeks ago and they told me the process takes a long time, so I promised myself I wouldn’t call anymore. Then S19 got that email, so I figured I needed to call again.

@STEM2017 thanks for the quick update! It’s just crazy they would know this is an issue on their end, yet still send out that stressful email to students.