Everything has been sent to Miami, but they haven't received anything according to the portal.

@kforty2 I’m guessing the emails were automatically generated by their systems. Unlike SATs which seem to be uploaded by hand. :smiley:

They’re definitely generated by the computers, that’s why I had mentioned before that as long as the application alone was submitted before the deadline, you should be fine. They know that some documents take longer to arrive, as as long as most of the documents were sent before the deadline, they should have no problem. I had the same issue with my official transcript

LOL! I just checked. No “To Do’s” Hallelujah!

Yaaay!! You will soon receive an email saying that you have a pending message and when you open it on canelink it’ll say that your application is now completed, hopefully you guys hear soon from them

Here’s one for you all: I just checked and there is finally nothing on the To do list so they finally did something with the SAT scores after sending them a month ago (yay). However, when I go into the site it says “This application is incomplete” even though they don’t indicate anything is missing.

@citymama9 Same here. I’ll just check again in the morning. Maybe it takes time to update.

Called Miami, and was told S ACT scores are there and was put on hold, then disconnected. Called back and they basically said not to worry and that his app will be reviewed if it was in on time. It just takes time for uploads to show. Scores sent in August and application was in on 10/15. I’ll keep checking the cane link everyday. Not quite sure how they will review his app without a key component, but they are clearly overwhelmed and not as on top of things as other schools.

I think they took the SATs off of everyone’s To Dos just to stop the incoming phone calls. :smiley:

Just as an FYI…ours never received the canelink completed email. We know everything was completed but email was not received. Not even in spam folders. The application was complete several weeks ago. The to do list is cleared. Good luck to all!

I agree, a lot of people actually receive their decision through canelink before they even receive the email. So check the canelink daily too

CaneLink shows ** Complete ** this morning.

Awesome! Meanwhile I just woke up with 9 different stuff on my to do list for financial aid, stuff that I have already sent. I can’t believe the level of unprofessionalism from this office, it’s unbelievable. I went to sleep with 6 items and now I have 9, who is adding stuff in the am?

“Your admissions application is complete”. Just got an email from the school and this is what it said on Cane Link. So…there is hope for everyone. GL

@UMspringT I’m sorry. It’s frustrating for sure. Now I am wondering if the school in general is more on top of things than admissions.

My friends that currently attend there have told me that they have no issues with the school, apparently it’s just admissions @citymama9

My son’s application is complete now, too. So, I’m glad I called.

have any of you received a decision yet?

EA decisions are due out in January.

We were having the same problem and my daughter wrote an email to Karen Kerr at FROST. She received an email this week telling her they have received everything and are reviewing the pre-screens and will let everyone know by mid December. For pre-screen musician applicants there’s a thread on CC called Pre-Screens 2019 by MezzoMama.