Everything is ready except school report/Official Transcript. Submit or wait?

Our daughter has essays completed, SAT scores, teacher LOR’s and is essentially ready to apply to the colleges on her list. She is not doing ED anywhere - all EA.
Is it better for her to hold off on submitting her applications until the School Report/Guidance Letter/Transcript is available or send ahead and let it catch up?
Like all seniors, she’s busy with sports, classes, work, etc. so she’d like to get the applications submitted, but not sure if this is more grief than just waiting on Guidance.
Any input is much appreciated…

She can submit now assuming she’s happy with the essays, has proofread everything, used spell check, had someone else proof, etc. The recs can follow.


Yes, send, no problem, especially if online through Common Application, etc.


100% ok to send now!

However if she just finished it, stick it in a metaphorical drawer for at least a week and then re-read it in 7-10 days for any edits that she may have missed.

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She can submit whenever she feels ready to submit. As long as the other pieces are received by the deadline, it’s all good.


Not a bad idea for the first one. Sue might find something to tighten up.

On the other hand she might torture herself by waiting.


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