EW, WHY? My GC sent out 560 and 630 on SATII even though I told her NOT TO!

<p>My school sends out SAT, ACT, AP scores on transcript.
I have HORRIFYING SAT II scores, so I told my GC that I'm not sending my SAT II scores since the schools I'm applying to don't require them anyway. By horrifying, I mean, completely awful and ghastly, like lower than 600. She agreed she's going to take them off the transcript.</p>

<p>Then she like FORGOT or whatever, which turned out just super awesome!! because the colleges I applied to just sent me a check letter saying "we received 560 on Biology, 630 on French..." I called them up, and I was like "yo I never wanted those scores to be sent. Can I delete them?" Then the receptionist was like, "nope. Your GC sent it to us on transcript. It's part of your application now."</p>

<p>What really makes me mad is that I have great ACT score(33) which should be ENOUGH for the calibre of colleges I'm applying to. But now they're gonna see my SAT II scores, which they didn't require in the first place, and be like is this girl retarded?
I'm so upset... I don't wanna blame my GC for being careless, bcs I know she's got enough on her hands already........ It's just that they didn't HAVE TO see the scores, but they're now going to. </p>

<p>Do you think this is going to ruin my chance? They say "SATII are optional."
So admitting me isn't exactly going to decrease their average test scores or anything, but
either way, they are going to treat the scores as testaments of my intellectual capacity. Correct? Gah...
Advice or comments much needed......</p>

<p>tell your GC about it and get her fired.
Most threads on these types of subjects are trivial and don’t matter, but this one actually might. I’m sure they’ll respect your ACT score, but now there’s really nothing you can do.</p>

<p>if you submitted the ACT and they take that instead of SAT IIs then they’d probably consider your ACT over your SAT II scores.</p>

<p>I’m sorry for using the word ■■■■■■■■. I was just freaking out and didn’t control myself!</p>

<p>Guys thanks for your replies, but i don’t wanna get into a fight with my GC. I still have plentiful schools for RD, and where would I and my classmates end up if she ditched? haha…
I just can’t help but imagine that those scores will bring me down far and far down low. Even if I was an admission officer myself, I would definitely doubt the academic strength of someone who got in 500’s.</p>



<p>Your school does wrong unless it has received your specific, written waiver allowing it to do that. Your scores belong to you, and you report them with an official score report. </p>



<p><a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/sat-score-choice.pdf[/url]”>Higher Education Professionals | College Board; </p>

<p>But don’t worry about it. Colleges give you the benefit of your BEST scores, and having some score that is above 500 (as both your scores are) is generally better than having no score at all. </p>

<p>Tell your school counselor to check the College Board website for other pages besides the one I cited reminding counselors and principals NOT to post college entrance test scores on high school transcripts without specific permission.</p>

<p>I already know that I gave my permission to send my scores way before June. Knowing so, I politely requested that she takes SOME OFF, which she compliantly consented to, but later instead FORGOT about. </p>

<p>Thanks a lot though, Tokenadult. So you are saying since my SATII scores are above 500, it’s going to be all right? I still believe, in my case, no score is better than 560…</p>

<p>OK can someone else PLEASE PLESAE comment?
I beg you.</p>

<p>i wasn’t going to comment but since you begged for me to…</p>


<p>That’s not how you treat a person who begs. JErk.</p>

<p>starbucks, I don’t know what to tell you other than your GC made a careless mistake and there is nothing you can do about it. If you get pushed into RD, MAKE SURE she takes it off for the RD round. And don’t listen to that blacklatern kid.</p>

<p>Your guidance counselor made a huge error. You should challenge her to a duel! :P</p>

<p>Something similar happened to me.
I’ve got pretty good SAT (2180, 760CR 710M 710W) but my ACT was horrendous (27 composite with TWENTY-TWO READING).</p>

<p>I asked my counselor whether I could take it off and he said NO.
I’m really scared that the 27 is going to screw up my application…</p>


<p>You should show your guidance counselor that page [post #5] from the CollegeBoard. That may persuade him.</p>

<p>You said the scores were already received by the college. You called and requested them removed, they said ‘no’. That’s all you can do, unless you invent a time machine. Don’t worry about it. </p>

<li>It isn’t an official score report.</li>
<li>I really doubt these extra 2 numbers listed will impact your application THAT much.</li>

<p>Although your counselor made a large human error, in the end of the day it was you who earned those scores. So after we grab our torches and pitchforks and ask for the poor woman’s hide, we need to remember who was sitting taking those SATIIs…</p>

<p>I hope all works out for you and that your GC learns a valuable lesson in not showing people’s crappy scores</p>

<p>Ask your GC to send a revised transcript with a note asking for it to replace the one sent.</p>

<p>I also had a score mishape: I (by accident) had 2 ACT scores sent (29 and 28). But Don’t Worry: They’ll take the higher scores. If it only requires the ACT by itself, they’ll probably consider the ACT. Don’t sweat it.</p>