EWE..Brandeis is so LAME

<p>Brandeis sucks…sent me a blue ribbon app…thought i had a pretty good chance… I GOT WAITLISTED!
SAT1 :1360
Top 10% 3.9 UW
really good recs and EC’s and essays and stuff

<p>Whatever…brandeis is ugly!! i hear the people are too!!</p>

<p>Wow, you're not bitter at all....glad to see you are taking things SO well...
And just because you're Jewish doesn't mean they're going to roll out the red carpet for you. Nor because you got a 1360. I believe there are people on these boards with 1450 and 1500 SATs who got waitlisted as well-and who knows, some of them are probably Jewish!<br>
Hope you lose the immaturity before you go off to whatever college that takes you.</p>

<p>Hmm, I'm pretty sure Brandeis is a little above discriminationg based on religion, considering the school was started on the idea of social equality. No offense, but Brandeis sure isn't going to be blown away by your stats, either.</p>

<p>whatever....i got into WashU</p>

<p>heh, this post was amusing</p>

<p>Congrats on WashU- I'd take them over Brandeis anyway.</p>

<p>-Elizabeth (another bitter waitlistee)</p>

<p>haha thanks..me too</p>

<p>I think that Brandeis wants to dramatically improve its prestige by artifically inflating their accepetance rate. They are sick of being every smart Jewish kid on the east coast's safety. </p>

<p>They'd rather accept enthusiastic, weaker applicants that would probably attend than people with high stats that would go to an ivy or another more prestigous school if they got in there. </p>

<p>I'm soooo glad I applied ED. Brandeis was my first choice. After I got in, I was doubting my decision early because I thought that I should have seen if I would have been accepeted to a more prestigious school like Cornell or Wash U. But, seeing all the kids with high stats getting rejected/waitlisted made me realize my choice to apply early was a good one.</p>

<p>Yeah I think that this year serves as a warning to future applicants that just because they have great test scores and a good rank does not mean they're guaranteed an acceptance. Although I doubt Brandeis would refuse anyone with a 1600 (or, in the class of '06's case, 2400)</p>

"They'd rather accept enthusiastic, weaker applicants that would probably attend than people with high stats that would go to an ivy or another more prestigous school if they got in there."</p>

<p>Not so true, perhaps. </p>

<p>D. was waitlisted with 1350, 700/650/660, 4.0 average w, # 10 out of 260 rank, national book award; good ec's; ? essay; great interview and recommendations.
Also Jewish.</p>

<p>We know that Brandeis was not a safety, but thought she had a very good shot since their last acceptance rate was somewhere between 40 and 44%, depending on what you read. I'm assuming that it's down this year?</p>

<p>a mom</p>


<p>Was your D an ED applicant to Brandeis?</p>

<p>No, RD. We have financial concerns, so no RD for us, though Brandeis was certainly near the top of her list. She's already gotten into American with finan aid, Rochester (waiting to hear re: money), Case (with money, but NOT her first choice by any means), and Vermont honors with some money. Waiting to hear from Tufts (legacy), Occidental, Pitzer, Skidmore and Oberlin, before deciding whether to stay on Brandeis wait list.</p>

<p>Ah well.</p>

<p>wnydancemom: sounds like your D has received some great acceptances. Too bad she was waitlisted at Brandeis.</p>

<p>Thanks for your encouragement. Now she's into Oberlin!(awaiting financ aid). Also Occidental (little money) and Skidmore (even less money!). Waitlisted at Vassar and Tufts, in addition to Brandeis (the waitlist queen, at this point!) Awaiting Claremont (today), and Pitzer.So, she's pretty happy; even if she's rejected at Claremont (very likely), she feels ok that she picked appropriate schools. Now the question is, whether to "wait" for the wait lists of any of the schools. And, waiting to see if Rochester or Oberlin gives any aid.</p>

<p>but, YAY! process is almost over!</p>

<p>Brandeis loves to accept ED applicants. I just finished a year there and I know for a fact I would not have gotten in regular decision, and most of the people of lesser intelligence that you will meet happen to be ED applicants as well. It's sad that the admissions process has come to this. </p>

<p>PS - WashU is a much better choice.</p>

<li>Wash U does the exact same thing. I know people who got into MIT that got waitlisted from WUSTL. <em>rolls eyes</em></li>
<li>Brandeis definitely didn't do that in my case. I applied (and got accepted to) other, more prestiegious schools and didn't visit until April my senior year. Brandeis still accepted me. <em>shrugs</em></li>
<li>I get the feeling that Brandeis is trying to move away from being "that Jewish school with all the East Coast kids." Being Jewish probably doesn't hurt you, but it probably doesn't help you either.<br></li>
<li>Bitter much?</li>

<p>These posts about Brandeis are old but I I felt compelled to update that Brandeis STILL sucks. </p>

<p>I read that Brandeis had professors who were docking kids’ grades if they did not support their views, plus there were accounts of radical behavior on campus that we found a little concerning but we liked some of what we read about the lab experience. </p>

<p>Sadly after visiting the campus, there is no doubt in my mind that if you are not a card-carrying member of the communist party, you should not apply to this school. To suggest they are non-sectarian is absurd. They are thoroughly radical secularist, and that IS a religion. </p>

<p>Plus the architecture is appalling, it is absolutely a reflection of the ugliness of the soul of this school. </p>

<p>There were some great kids on campus, super-nerds which we love because they are no nonsense and WORK rather than buy into on the fact that the staff thinks banning water bottles is the greatest thing the campus has ever done - but the overall atmosphere is absolutely intolerant of anyone with a conservative or actually faith-based point of view. </p>

<p>We told them to keep my son’s Judge Brandeis scholarship which I think is worth about $125,000. I’d mop floors all night to pay tuition elsewhere (Tufts) before I would let my son live and work amongst these confused old hippies. Oh, and Bill Ayers is speaking there next week. He’ll feel right at home on that campus. </p>

<p>It’s odd that they have Anita Hill there, who is loved for going after a groper (Clarence Thomas), but they also love Bill Clinton, who is a groper. They can’t even keep their “issues” straight. </p>

<p>I can’t and won’t speak for the kids on the campus who are probably just buying into whatever they are told, or frustrated like the members of the lowly conservative group or the Cardinal Newman Society, but as the potential parent of an incoming freshman, there is no way I would let my kid live amongst adults who are so out of control they propagandize even at the orientations. </p>

<p>Scary people.</p>

<p>A college is liberal. Say it ain’t so, Joe.</p>

<p>Between the bitter rejected applicants in this thread and the ones shocked that liberal professors exist in a liberal arts college, I guess that’s entertainment. But I certainly can’t take these ravings seriously, especially in view of the ethnic and religious diatribes of some of the posters and stereotypes that are falsely attributed to Brandeis students here. Brandeis is a fantastic school. It’s significantly diverse religiously,ethnically and internationally. It holds a special place in higher education, not only as a first-tier research university matched with a small liberal arts college with great students, high-powered faculty and incredibly distinguished alumni, but also as a pioneer in non-discrimination in education. That’s more than I can say for the prejudiced lot in this thread.</p>

<p>before today , I thought Brandeis is a wonderful school . eventhough some posts are talkin how lame Brandeis is , but students there told me it is a really good school , and I think people there must be really friendly (from the students that I talked to ) , but now , from u guys in this thread , I’m kind of scared …Some ppl say that students there are awkward , some ppl say they’ve met the greatest ppl at Brandeis ,some ppl say they are ugly , some ppl say social life there is lame , some ppl say the profs there are awesome …so what is Brandeis really like ???Anyway , I’ve already deposit there , and I think I’d better go and see by myself , even if this school is really as lame as some people thought … Each school is differnet in each person’s eyes , right ? so you’d better visit Brandeis yourself , or it is kind of unfair to say how bad it is …
BTW,I’m an international student , and I’ve only got a 1360(C+M) on SAT1,maybe I just got lucky :slight_smile: And from the Brandeis’ website I learnt that this year more students got accpet than last year . like 8% up ? not sure …</p>