Exactly how difficult would it be to get accepted into NYU stern?

<p>It's ranked quite low in usa news and yet has such a low acceptance rate too. Could anyone provide another school that would be similar in difficulty of adimission?</p>

<p>The school as a whole is ranked low, but Stern is ranked high (2nd If I'm correct). Whats the acceptance rate?</p>

<p>do yourself a favor and actually research schools and get a hold for what they are about, rather than trusting a subjective polling system.</p>

<p>no beef man no beef</p>

<p>When I visited, some admission officer said it was 20% for 2005-2006 applicants. I would say Northwestern and Cornell have similar selectivity. I even heard someone compare it to Dartmouth. But don't take my word for it. It probably won't be as hard as ivies to get into, maybe slightly less.</p>

<p>Throw WashU and Illinois in there if its 20%.</p>