<p>As those of us with daughters at Smith know all too well, reading period has started and exams are next week. For next year's students, one piece of information that we missed or didn't understand, is that exams are self scheduled. Smith has a 4 day exam period, and students choose when they want to take their exams. To take an exam, they go to the academic building, sign out the exam they want to take.Then they have three hours to go anywhere in the building, write their exam and turn it in. The dorms close the day after exams are over. This means students can leave as soon as they finish their exams. </p>
<p>For those of us making plane reservations, your student needs to decide when they will commit to be done by. Last winter we made our D's flight home for the day after exams were over, but she could have come home a day or so earlier because she was done with exams. I expect she will plan to leave a day or so earlier next year. This spring it didn't make any difference since she has an orchestra performance on the 11th at Carnegie Hall and has to stay for that.</p>