Examples in SAT essays

<p>Do the examples have to be from a known source, or can we use personal experiences as examples?</p>

<p>have you ever looked at an sat essay prompt? look at one and you will find your answer.</p>

<p>I have looked at SAT essay prompts - I’ve seen them on the official website, not to mention at many other test prep sites and books. On the ficial website, they say you can give examples from your personal experiences, and even give an example of one such essay. What I’m asking is, does using personal examples reduce my points?</p>

<p>I used a personal example in the march sat this year (i was desperate lol, couldnt think of anything to do with literature and history with photograpgy!)… i got a 10.</p>

<p>Thanks, that’s what I wanted to know :).</p>

<p>Two questions, and I would appreciate quick answers as my test is in a few hours -
What if some of the information I mention in my example is worng? and
Can I write an essay supporting both views, depending on the circumstances(I mean will I lose marks if I do that)?</p>