Excitement in the air

<p>As some of you know, I'm in a very unique nursing program.</p>

<p>It's a 1+2+1 program with a liberal arts college (years 1+4) and a college of nursing (years 2+3) where you take the nursing prerequisites in year 1, nursing in years 2+3, graduate with an ASN from the CON after year 3, finish the liberal arts and BSN requirements and in year 4 and graduate from the LAC with a BSN. If that's confusing...sorry. Basically, you get an ASN and BSN in 4 years.</p>

<p>Tonight, we had the dinner for freshman, and it was great!</p>

<p>We went over to the hospital/CON and got a tour led by a first year nursing student and a faculty member, so we got to see the facility and the CON itself including classrooms, the library and the lab, ask questions etc. Then we had a dinner where there were even more first year students that we ate and talked with and then had a Q&A session with.</p>

<p>I will admit, it was extremely intimidating. A lot of information was given to us, some of it terrifying...but it made me really excited as well. That's gonna be me in the fall! I think that was the extra push I needed to see how much I want this and to know how hard I'm gonna have to work at A&P II this summer, but how worth it all the stuff I've had to deal with thus far will be.</p>

<p>Orientation starts August 18th, and I can't wait!</p>

<p>Congrats SingDanceRunLife! I’m happy for you.</p>


<p>I went to the bookstore today and bought a CON t-shirt and hoodie :smiley: They were on sale (I paid $25 for both, including tax) because my school is switching bookstore retailers and everything is 25-75% off…so I figured I should buy my stuff now when it’s not super expensive.</p>

You sound like my daughter. As soon as she chose a nursing program it was time to celebrate with a hoodie and t-shirt.</p>


<p>I held out for almost an entire year. I bought a Le Moyne hoodie when I decided to come here, but not any St. Joe’s stuff til just now. And I wouldn’t have bought the hoodie had it not been on sale! A t-shirt, probably seeing as the full price for those is only $13.</p>