Executive at small ad agency is Davidson's second-most famous alumnus?

I have a 17-year old who is applying to a range of schools, including Davidson. I was randomly Googling online for info about the school, and I came across this claim by a president of a small ad agency, Bill Gullan of Finch Brands (I can’t post a link, but search for it online):

“Bill is the second most famous product of Davidson College, just barely behind Steph Curry.”

I’m confused:

Steph Curry is certainly well-known, but Davidson doesn’t have other more prominent alumni, such as in business or politics?

And a president of a small ad agency is the second most prominent alumnus?

If this is a joke, why would someone list that on a professional profile?

Davidson must graduate some real pieces of work, if this is representative of the school.

Can someone help explain this to me?

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I think it’s tongue in cheek. Just a cute marketing quip.


Note that Davidson isn’t making this claim.


Fame is in the eye of the beholder.

My school has tons of famous alums but I chose it because I loved Pearl Washington.

Davidson will have many accomplished alums, but I’d agree none more famous than Steph. That’s not uncommon for it to be an athlete or actor.

Notable is not famous.

Here’s a list in various areas. Don’t be alarmed - athletes are first but it’s broken out by discipline.

Ps - all schools will put out notable people. Your kid will determine their success, not the school.

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Why would you not have a sense of humor about this? It’s funny, which is what you want in advertising.

Not sure why this needs explaining??


ohhhhh - I missed it - the guy claimed it himself. I thought OP meant the school states this.

Oh - that is funny.

And memorable.


It’s funny.

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This seems like the answer to the question “Tell us something about you that few people know.” Here are some of the other responses:

I once handed out free Popeyes fried chicken on the streets of New York City at 6 a.m. on live national television.

I am often found alone in my office playing with dolls.

Annalise’s name is etched into Lombard Street in San Francisco.

I’m related to the inventor of the cheesesteak.

It’s not meant to be a submission to the Nobel committee.


I’m not sure if you are too new to post a link on CC or something but if anybody wants to read it it’s at Our Team | Finch Brands on the company’s website.

First off, it’s funny. If you don’t have a sense of humor not their fault.

Second, it’s not coming from Davidson. If every college out there has to be responsible for everything every single graduate says about their alma mater that’s a pretty high bar.

I’m flabbergasted that this bothers you.


Thanks for the link! I think it is hilarious! “Just barely behind Steph Curry”
It is definitely tongue in cheek and does not reflect poorly on Davidson. Rather, great to see this graduate has a sense of humor!


Davidson is one school that we toured that was very proud of their alumni network and how they help new grads, including with hiring. I love this and it definitely fits with their brand of being proud alums. Totally hilarious


This may be true - but show me a school that doesn’t say the exact same thing on their tours…

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Given that this claim-to-fame has sustained a multi-day thread discussion here and caused people to check out and link to the Finch Brands website, I’d say it’s pretty savvy marketing at work!


Thanks, everyone. I appreciate that the statement is intended to be humorous, but it still strikes me as weird:

  1. The “fun” statements that others make are just trivial, flighty things.

  2. The statement about Davidson, conversely, is weird because:

a. How many 50 year olds still talk about where they went to college?

b. The statement either means “I am a nobody” or “Davidson doesn’t have any prominent alumni”.

c. The poster’s Facebook page is full of Davidson things, indicating an unusual attachment to the school. (Again, for a 50 year old, it’s weird.)

Why not pick something else to say?

You must not have loved your college then, sorry about that.

I’m 56 and still talk about my college/college experience (at a lowly SUNY, no less). Met my husband there, and jointly we probably still have 50+ active friends from college that we speak to regularly and hang out with whenever we get the chance. Many are also married to their college sweethearts. When we randomly bump into a fellow alumnus, whether we know them or not, we quickly bond over our college experiences.

For reference, since famous alumni are a thing for some, we are proud to claim Al Roker, Jerry Seinfeld (who didn’t graduate) and Steve Levy.

I hope my daughters feel the same way about their colleges when they are 56. My younger daughter goes to a university where hundreds of alumni come back every football weekend - even in a losing season, the 60,000-seat stadium is full. That’s a deep love for a college.

I don’t know how this is on Davidson in any way but if you can’t get past it, then simply take Davidson off the list!


Nope, that’s not what the statement means.

I wonder if you have very literal thinking? Some people are wired that way.


Not sure what you mean people don’t have wires😀

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I do not think this is unusual at all! Duke alumni regional associations are active in their communities because a bunch of 50 year olds (and older, and younger) have a lot of school pride! We have a large UMich alum group here too (midatlantic).
My daughter had an older teacher in HS who graduated from Amherst. He talked about it fondly all the time! Alums who still care about the school and are proud of their alma mater is a positive aspect of a school, in my opinion. From a practical perspective it is also likely linked to increased network opportunities for new grads.


@ParentofHighSchooler …Bill, Bill, is that you? Enough of your jokes, Bill Gullan! You haven’t changed a bit since college!

This is the funniest thing I have read in my entire life. Wait… what does that say about me???