Exeter admissions

<p>Hi, I really want to go to Phillips Exeter, and I just want to know my chances of getting in.</p>

I go to scarsdale high school, which is one of the best public ranked high school in the country. I get about A-B in all honors or advanced classes. I am a freshmen</p>

Math- 94
reading- 86
overall-94 idk
I'm taking it again b.c well it can't hurt</p>

<p>Extra curriculur
Taek wondo do- 10 years
Football- up for varsity next year 2 years
flute- 6 years
korean drums- 4 years
model UN
debate - 3 years
Archery-3 years
Zen/Dharma teacher- 2 years
Shotput- 2 years
Fluent and can read write in Korean</p>

<p>Awards and recognition
Taek won do- 3rd degree black, sparring and forms champoion in korea
Flute- wind ensomble
Korean drums- select team for Korea town
Zen-dharma- I am a legal teacher who can teach meditation and dharma and do so in a zen cneter in nyc nd nj
poetry- Got 3 poems published in a book</p>

I also went to their summer school program if that helps, and really connected with my iterviwer, I still talk to her</p>

<p>The zen bit helps you stand out in a good way. I doubt many applicants share that interest.</p>

<p>haha thank you, do u think i have a fair shot</p>

<p>Yes but I’ve decided these chance threads are a bit stupid. Like honestly we don’t know eachother and personality is a huge factor. I’m not saying you don’t have a good one, I just mean that most of the applicants for top boarding schools have scored high eighties to nineties on their SSATs and have good grades, extracurric etc, or else they wouldn’t be intereted in schools with a huge courseload. They’re motivated.</p>

<p>haha i agree with your statements. I think I’m just going to focus on the ssats rite now</p>

<p>Ah! U have a large chance to get in… =) Im Korean too, and im also applying to these schools! U have a better chance than me! =) I believe Korean Drums, archery, speaking and writing korean fluently, and shot put are very unique! I think you can get in 99.99%!
LOL. I play the flute but im the only guy flute player at my school. Everyone makes fun of the flute.</p>

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Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man Listen to the wise man</p>

<p>yeh, try to aim for mid 90 on SSAT’s. the rest is good</p>

<p>wait i am in the mid 90’s wat do u mean? my vocab?</p>

<p>I don’t understnad how you got a 94, 96 and 86 and still got only a 94% overall. Usually the overall is bumped up to around or higher than your highest score (which would be 96). Like I got an 88% verbal, 88% reading and 91% math but still got a 92% overall. Weird, ut anyways, why would you retake a 94%? That’s right in the range of Exeter… retaking would be a waste of money, not to mention a waste of time you could be working on your essays/ rest of the application. But hey, if you think you could like ace it or something and raise your scores by more than 5% maybe it’s worth it but otherwise what’s the point of studying and everything to only raise your score by like 2 or 3%?</p>

<p>yeh, getting over that 94 again would just be luck, math and vocab would generally stay the same, but reading is just based on luck of what articles you have. you could pull of a 90% perhaps with the reading, but its just not worth the time. stay with your scores an work on other things.</p>

<p>i want to work on my verbal i think its a bit low so idk</p>

<p>im confusde though, in your first statement when you posted your scores, you sed reading twice… which one is vocab and which one is reading??</p>

<p>and your overall is weird… cuz i got Math 99% Vocab 83% Reading 93% soooo if you add up my percentages, im one percent over you, yet my overall percentage was a 95%</p>

<p>o sorry ha type
i got an 86 on vocab nd my overall was 96</p>

<p>what were you scores like? i got 800, 720, 720</p>

<p>you have some pretty unique ecs. i tried korean drums once, they’re pretty cool.</p>

<p>yeah right about</p>

<p>yeh, i have almost the same setup as you… apply to Exeter, but broaden your horizon and apply to other schools, like hotchikiss, groton, and deerfield</p>