Exeter Chanecs?

Hi everyone. I’m going crazy waiting for decisions for boarding school. I thought I’d list my stuff here and see what everyone says. (8th Grader applying for 9th). I go to a private school in New York City. I live in Manhatten and will not be appluying for FA.


Physics/Chemistry - split up into semesters - A-

Algebra II - b/b+

Ancient History - A

Spanish - A-

Latin - b- (Yes I know this hurts my chances a lot)

English - A

I thought the interview was just ok. We talked for a bit but I think I seemed nervous.
Essays were really good.
SSAT - 94%

You have a pretty good chance, your grades might hinder you though. Don’t worry about it too much, with 24 days left there’s not much you can do. Only thing you can do is hope your recommendations were good and that your essays had less typos than your question lol!

Good luck!!

What extracurriculars do you do? Any hobbies? Art? Music? Sports?

I hope you live in Manhattan. Your grades dont help you but they dont really matter. Its the rest of the picture that matters: FA, your race, your activities etc

To which other schools did you apply ? (If you don’t mind my asking.)