Exeter vs Choate vs Deerfield vs Lawrenceville

Based on the charts above, it looks like Hotchkiss has more number of students % with gpa of 4 and above as compared to Choate and Deerfield.

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Again, the OP asked 6 questions. Not one if them was comparing GPAs.

The GPA comparison has been discussed before - and by many of the parents on this thread. Please move the conversation forward instead of rehashing.

@skieurope I just reread the Forum Rules as well as the TOS. Nowhere does It say that a thread must only answer an OP’s original question. Discussions have a way of meandering, that is the nature of these boards. If I am mistaken, please let me know where the rule that discussions may only discuss an OP’S question is.

I strongly believe that CC needs to encourage discussion, not discourage it. As long as the people doing the discussing are interested and civil I see no downside to letting the conversation meander a bit.


Meandering musings belong in the café. I have said many many times that when a student asks a question, the responses should focus on what the student asks plus probative questions plus alternative suggestions. Discussion of grading rubrics falls under repetitive topics which is outlined on the rules.

Thank you all very much! We have been doing a lot of calls with students and their parents, and my picture is becoming clearer. I agree with some of the replies that there is always a spectrum of opinions about a particular school, and some may like certain aspects and some dislike.

One outstanding question that I am trying to address is how structured the student life is at each school. For instance, I heard that Deerfield has strict curfew rules, supervised study hours and shut down internet access at nights, while Exeter is more flexible. Would you mind commenting for each of the four schools on:

  1. Is there a curfew/check-in time and, if so, when does it start?
  2. Are there dedicated hours for studying in the evenings? Are the students supervised during this time or are they expected to do “time management” on their own?
  3. Is there a specific “lights out” time?
  4. What is the phone policy? Are you supposed to take phones out of the rooms at night?
  5. Is the internet shut down at nights? And if so, when?
  6. How easy it is to leave campus to go to a neighboring town? What “check-out” policies are there?

Thank you all! This has been very helpful!

Have you been able to get your hands on the student handbooks? You have great, specific questions, and you seem like you would get a lot out of them.

This is a great suggestion! Thank you

Here is the Lawrenceville student handbook:
https://lawrenceville.myschoolapp.com/ftpimages/928/download/download_2073957.pdf (I got this from searching “Lawrenceville student handbook” on Google, so there shouldn’t be anything private in there—the latest one is not availably publicly)

As for specific answers:

1.) On weekdays, you must “check in” at your house by 8pm as a freshman, sophomore, or junior, and 9pm as a senior. After that point you are not allowed to leave (with exceptions—more on that later). There is also a 7:30 PM check in Saturday nights, after which you are expected to remain on campus, with a “second check-in” that requires you to stay in the house by 11pm or midnight, depending on the house.

2.) For freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, there is a “study hall” from 8-10 pm each day (aside from one boys’ house, where it ends at 11 pm). Freshmen have particularly strict policies, where your door must be open, phone outside, need to ask permission to leave your room, etc., but from what I’ve heard, it’s moreso the equivalent of “quiet hours” from sophomore year onwards (you can even go to the library if you’d like). Seniors do not have a study hall.

3.) 10:45 PM for freshmen, 11:15 PM for sophomores and juniors, none for seniors.

4.) No phones in class or school meeting (unless you are asked to use them, such as for a Kahoot). Other than that, it’s pretty flexible. Note the freshman study hall phone policy described above.

5.) The shutdown happens right after lights out—I’m not sure how it applies to seniors, however.

6.) I only have experience with this as a freshman. It was only allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, and back then you would just tell your Housemaster where you’re going, who you’re going with, how you’re getting there, and when you’re getting back—I’ve never had my request rejected. There is a signout app you would also have to use. Because Lawrenceville is located right on Main Street, the shops are counted as “on-campus” and thus you do not need any permission to go to those.

To @groel -

If you are entering DA as a 9th grade student, there are study hours Sun-Thursday - I believe between 7:30 - 9:45 - phones are supposed to be shut off and/or outside your room (not sure if this is still true). I believe the internet shuts off at midnight, but most students go to cellular service. There is no need for a 9th or 10th grader to be online for homework after 11:00 PM at night. The school wants you to enjoy “feeds” and hall meetings before lights out in 9th grade. I think that in 10th grade there are few restrictions. Generally, in Spring of 10th grade student can go to the library for study hours. I do not know of any lights out rules for “upper” grades. Having study hours in 9th and 10th grade helps some students with time management.