<p>Does anyone just feel fatigued right now? I feel completely exhausted and have absolutely no energy. I've been sleeping several hours and still find myself in need of more. I almost fell down the stairs today because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I don't know if it's just a combination of me changing schools, the stress that goes along with that(Am I making the right decision?), and being sick while missing school for the past few days, but I just feel depleted right now. Has anyone else been feeling this way?</p>
<p>Yes, i had that realllyyy bad junior year.
Stress makes me sick, no joke. What helped me was- well summer break. haha. It gave me time to relax and then get to a good schedule where I’d get my work done before I messed around on the internet for hours. That was a big part of the stress.</p>
<p>Also, make sure you have a healthy diet. I’m sure you know too much immediate energy such as carbohydrates and glucose is not solely enough to keep you going throughout the day. In fact, excessive amounts can lead you to crash.</p>
<p>Right, I don’t really have much of a diet problem. I think it’s mainly just stress; I think your right with that, it makes you sick. I’ve been washing my hands everyday and I still found myself to become sick. I think my stress is just everything that’s going on in my life, on top of my continuous procrastination problem. I don’t know why, I’ve just recently acquired this bad habit to procrastinate. Right now I’m dealing with a lack of sleep, being sick, stress, procrastination, and switching schools:/ I suppose I’ll try to cope with it somehow(I’m still unsure), but I was just curious if anyone else was experiencing something similar.</p>
<p>Find a way to deal with the procrastination, seriously. It will do wonders for your life.
You’ll get more sleep, have less stress, and thus be less sick. It works, but it’s a hard habit to break or improve haha. : )</p>
<p>Haha, I suppose you’re right:) Thanks for the advice. Now if only I could figure out a way to address it…</p>
<p>Suck it up.</p>
<p>Stop complaining.</p>
<p>^Thank you for your advice:) I suppose you’ve never been tired/exhausted? haha:) That’s ok, I appreciate your opinion:)</p>
<p>You’re welcome.</p>
<p>I have gotten a total of 16 hours of sleep this week, which is more than some people on this board. I’m take a 30 minute break after hosting two club meetings after school, and starting my homework. I’ve baked three batches of scotcheroos (or however you spell it, I dont really care right now), and have completed most of my AP work. Unlike you… who has been on the forums all day… and is complaining. Seriously?</p>
<p>Thursdays are my easier days in terms of extracurricular, but get your life together and suck it up. I have no sympathy for a poster who goes around using smiley faces all the time. :)</p>
<p>That’s ok:) Sorry for your difficult life:/ I’m also sorry that you seem to think my life is easy and that I’m complaining. O well, I suppose we will both cope with our situations:)</p>
<p>My life isnt difficult. It’s just not fun all the time. You seem to think everything you do should be pleasant? Let me tell you, working on HW at 2:00 AM for the third/fourth/fifth night in a row is not fun.</p>
<p>I never said your life was easy, nor did I imply it. I said suck it up. </p>
<p>And BTW, if you just wanted to cope with your situation, you shouldnt have posted a thread like this. Believe it or not, I’m trying to solve your “problem.”</p>
<p>Edit: Oh, and by the way, stop editing your posts. I like how you changed “Im also sorry that you seem to think my life is easy :(” To “Im also sorry that you seem to think my life is easy and Im complaining”</p>
<p>When you are on CC all day, I really couldn’t have less sympathy for someone who gets 10 hours of sleep. Sorry bud.</p>
<p>My life is easy…</p>
<p>I’m sorry if I didn’t comprehend as to what you were saying:/ No worries, I know life isn’t supposed to be all about fun. Did I say that? haha I suppose I’m just more soft so to speak than you. I know I shouldn’t be, but that’s just the way I am. Don’t think I am thinking poor me…I know perfectly well my problems are not nearly as bad as some other people. I suppose sometimes you just get caught up in the moment. </p>
<p>Ok, I’m trying to comprehend how you are intending to solve my problem. Saying suck it up doesn’t help me, sorry. If that was your contribution then I get it, you have no sympathy, I’m complaining too much… Thanks for your advice:)</p>
<p>Your welcome.</p>
<p>Uhm, Im contributing by not being all the other CC’ers who love you because you say what they want to here and put a after every sentence.</p>
<p>You need to suck it up, end of story! Yay!</p>
<p>lol this is funny. love the tension.</p>
<p>Ok…first of all, I didn’t edit my post to that haha, I edited it to take away all of the smiley faces. I thought there were too many haha. Whatever, I’m not just saying what they want to hear, I’m saying what I believe which I suppose you seem to think is what they want to hear? That’s ok, you’re free to make your own interpretations:) O, you mean you’re not acting like others in terms of being nice? I’m all for free interpretations, but when you don’t even know me irl and have NO idea what my life is like and tell me to suck it up, when for all you know I could have just lost somehow I knew to a drug overdose, you really just need to hold your blunt expressions:)
Ok, sorry if I am coming across as rude to you Candidate, I really don’t mean to, I just have been through a lot lately, and I really had no intent of acquiring sympathy here. I just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing the same thing, that’s all. I’ve come to understand that everyone has the same problem as far as sleep right now. You have taught me that, and I thank you for it.</p>
<p>You fail. You edited it AGAIN? Seriously. Bud, you **** me off. Thanks for taking out the last sentence, and the smiley. I most likely addressed the sentence you took off and future readers will wonder why I added that. Whatever. (He took off the bazillion smileys and also took off the part “O and btw, I got 10 hours of sleep last week;)”</p>
<p>Nope… my blunt expressions will keep coming…</p>
<p>Suck it up. Stop complaining about being tired. I don’t see a reason for this thread to continue any further. Your questions have been asked and answered.</p>
<p>And by the way!!! I would LOVE to stay and see how you edit this paragraph, but I need to get back to work!</p>
<p>EDIT: Im so glad I stayed for the paragraph edit at the end! Your welcome Wartsandall. Now go to bed. Nao.</p>
<p>Why can’t we all just get along D:</p>
<p>Haha, that’s ok candidate, stay! Make me get off CC! I completely comprehend your bluntness now!
The thread must continue though:) That’s ok Blackroses, I was first offended because I have low self esteem (Ex: depression/eating disorder:() but I completely understand Candidate’s original intent. He/she is just trying to get me off CC. Omgosh! I just realized that, thank you Candidate!
lol, I’m really serious though, I think this person is really trying to help me:)
BTW: I have no intent to edit this haha</p>
<p>whoa a lot of happy faces haha</p>
<p>^That’s me:) While I originally was depressed reading this, I’ve oddly grown more happy…it’s kind of hard to explain lol</p>