Experiences in WISE Dorm

Hi everyone! College decision season is almost over, and although mine has been really, really nice, I’ll probably go to Madison because it’s the cheapest out of the ones I’m considering. I’m also considering living in the WISE learning community, but I had a few questions about it. I was wondering if there’s a curfew, and and if the people that run it, like, keep track of where you are. For example, if I stayed somewhere besides my room one night would they care? I’m not planning to be a major partier in college, but I am going to go out two or three nights each week probably, and I want to find out how ‘mom-like’ the dorm will be. Thank you so much!!


My OOS daughter was accepted to L&S. I’d like to learn more about the dorms and learning communities too (& if they’re available to Freshman.) We’re visiting the school the first week of April, so hopefully I can post some answers after that. Congratulations!

Gee, curfews got dropped long before my eons ago UW dorm experience. That was my mother’s era. Visitation hours (a joke) and single gender dorms also changed during my early ‘70’s era. Now all dorms are locked all of the time for security, not to keep residents in/others out. You must be channeling the 1950’s in your thoughts. I spent time between my Lakeshore dorm and my girlfriends’ choice of Barnard (Ugh) although we were all women honors chemistry majors (that included some not recommended walks across campus in the wee hours- my only scary encounter was seeing a person coming towards me, it happened to be a male friend). Son once had a roommate who basically gave him a single by the times he was at his girlfriend’s apartment.

I would definitely choose it today since it is in Liz Waters this year- large rooms, central location with the lake out back… Son got Liz the first year it went coed, no way did I want it back in the day it was women only and would have had to decide when WISE was in high rise dorms.

UW has a wide variety of location and building architecture for Res Halls. Food service- can eat anywhere and only pay for what you get (lower prices than for the public who can also eat there). You are not restricted to eating where you live. It is mostly freshmen and some sophomores in the dorms for this generation. The age of the building will be a style, not a condition, choice.

Learning Communities- good for some but one size does not fit all, even with common interests. You need to evaluate many factors. Pros and cons to each dorm. When son had a HS camp at UW I looked at some dorms inside- upgrades to rooms and bathrooms, food service places had been done, and still get done.