Experimental Section for Writing??

<p>Anybody know which one is experimental???</p>

<p>I had 2 W sections in a row, it was not fun, and I really want to know which one wasn't real cause that might help me make a decision on whether I am going to cancel or not.</p>

<p>You will find out tomorrow. College board will make a definate statement tomorrow so you will still have time before the Wednesday deadline.</p>

<p>ouch! mine was math, i had two of those in a row, so i know what you mean
really hope my first math one was it! think i did good on the others
of course i could be very, very wrong… that would be bad</p>

i also had two writing sections in a row…the first is experimental (the one with passage on ant lions), the second one isnt (the one with passage about strip malls)</p>

<p>strip malls?!</p>