Explain why I got denied

<p>I am international student and I applied to Computer Science - Madison camp.</p>

<p>GPA- 3.6 - My country overall gpa is low in comparison with US
Class Rank 3/75</p>

<p>SAT- Math 560, Writing 800, Reading 570</p>

<p>I think that I manage to get admission or get in waiting list but I was notified denied today.
Is it enough score to get in UW?</p>

<p>fair essay
Excellent EC</p>

<p>PS Is anyone who is international student getting an admission? If so, note ur spec</p>

<p>so sorry that you were sent that decision. My son also applied to CS at Madison and was accepted, but MANY of his friends at our affluent Chicago suburban HS were deferred/denied. This year a lot of kids who would have been admitted last year were in the same boat.</p>

<p>His stats are 34 ACT, National Merit finalist, 12 APs, 800 SAT II math, 750 SAT II chem, but unweighted GPA 3.3/weighted 4.0. One varsity sport, good ECs and community service.</p>

<p>Good luck to you in your decision process.</p>

<p>It is impossible to say why with complete confidence, especially without being able to see the details of your transcript. However a 560 Math score is well “below range” for Madison and might have raised a flag, in particular because you say you want to do comp sci. Most admissions staffs look at performance on each test section as well as overall total score to determine likelihood of success.</p>

<p>There is very limited space for internationals and many apps now. Numbers game.</p>

<p>Your SAT score is very low for madison 1170. I think its very hard to judge your HS and GPA.</p>

<p>Both of your math and reading SAT scores are low. The writing score won’t change that despite helping your overall score. Plus an okay but not extremely high gpa. Too many students with better stats who are getting the available spots. The competition seems to be tougher every year. Many students who could succeed at UW won’t get in because there are so many other students who can also do well and have better credentials (stats/essays et al).</p>