<p>I've got 3.7 and 2.7 gpa freshmen and sophomore year respectively.
My junior gpa is about 3.8 ish.. I saw many people trying to make a excuse about their low gpa, but I hate pleading myself. Explaining your situation really help you??
If it does, I could give it a try since my soph year is only bad year..
I wasn't sick or anything. I had a bad depression..</p>
<p>An explanation of the downward trend with freshman to sophomore year would really help. Don’t worry about sounding too pleading- I think it’d be a better impression if you be a thorough as possible.</p>
<p>Explaining how your depression (which is considered an illness) affected your grades sophomore year and how you overcame depression and have rebounded academically is not making excuses IMO.</p>
<p>If your Sophomore gpa is the only low one, you should be able to successfully explain it.</p>