<p>conflicts between land developers and conservationists have repeatedly, (arose), (causing) Congress to reconsider legislation (that prohibits) buildings (within habitats) of endangered species. (no error)</p>
<p>The answer was A, but why?</p>
<p>available through the school's guidance office (is) a job directory and a list of job referral centers (that provide) (information for) students (in need of) employment. (no error)</p>
<p>the answer was A, but i have NOOOOO clue why. EXPLANATION PLESE!
thanks alot everyone</p>
<p>conflicts between land developers and conservationists have repeatedly, (arose), (causing) Congress to reconsider legislation (that prohibits) buildings (within habitats) of endangered species. (no error)</p>
<p>The answer was A, but why?</p>
<p>it would be arisen or something like that.</p>
<p>available through the school’s guidance office (is) a job directory and a list of job referral centers (that provide) (information for) students (in need of) employment. (no error)</p>
<p>the answer was A, but i have NOOOOO clue why. EXPLANATION PLESE!</p>
<p>wouldn’t it be are instead of is?</p>
<p>I’m not sure…all I know is 90% of the time I don’t know WHY that part of the sentence is wrong…it just sounds wrong.</p>
<p>thanks. and for the second one, i think ‘are’ would be gramatically correct but it just doesnt SOUND right. thats why it feels weird. but thanks nevertheless</p>
<p>'Are" isn’t correct. Is is singular, are is plural, it’s only referring to on office. Even if choice A is the correct choice, ‘Are’ isn’t the appropriate word. I wish the said why though…</p>
<p>Available through the school’s guidance office (is) a job directory and a list of job referral centers (that provide) (information for) students (in need of) employment. (no error)</p>
<p>‘Are’ is correct because the subject is ‘a job directory and a list of job referral centers’, not guidance office. If you rearrange the sentence, it’s easier to see.</p>
<p>A job directory and a list of job referral centers that provide information for students in need of employment are available through the school’s guidance office.</p>
<p>“Are” is definitely correct because it’s talking about “a job directory and a list of job referral centers”, which is plural. ETS ALWAYS tries to trick people like that so it SOUNDS right but actually isn’t.</p>