<p>Hello! I got a exploring college options flyer and email directly from one of the school representatives, the five schools were duke, harvard, georgetown university of penn, and stanford, and i just recently got a exploring educational excellence flyer from brown, chicago, columbia, cornell, and rice....sent from the chicago. I was wondering does receiving the flyer directly from the schools mean that i am on their "shortlist", or i mean some criteria of theirs or is it a mass sendout thing?</p>
<p>No. It just means they have your address from collegeboard or someplace.</p>
<p>ooohh…but only two students in my class received the email and flyer</p>
<p>Perhaps you did very well on your PSAT–these colleges are probably targeting students with your scores.</p>
<p>ohh…okay thanks! im trying to decide colleges to apply and whenever i get one of these flyers i get like O.o like how do those schools know me and do they actually mean anything?</p>
<p>They mean nothing except that you scored well on a test and so your name was one of the thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, that the schools bought. Go to the events and check out the schools, but don’t take the attention as more than it is, which is mass marketing.</p>
<p>haha okay thanks! :)</p>
<p>You’re welcome. I hope that doesn’t sound too harsh, but I think people should practice a level of skepticism when it comes to college marketing and not read more into the overtures than is truly there. </p>
<p>I see you’ve just joined cc. Spend some time lurking on the parents forum, and you’ll get great information – for free! Avoid the “chance me” threads on the HS and college forums. :D</p>
<p>haha no its fine…better frankness than lies! and thanks
will do!</p>