External Transfer - UT Austin

<p>Hello all.</p>

<p>I currently have 28 credit hours at ACC and doing another 12 this semester. I am applying to McComb. I am also doing the last business indicator (BCIS). Do you guys have any idea if the admissions committee will wait till the grades of this spring semester show up or they are going to make a decision before the grades of this semester are up? in other words, r they gonna look to my spring transcript to make a decision?
I really appreciate your answer!

<p>whats your GPA currently and what GPA do you expect to have by the end of this semester?</p>

<p>From what the consoler told me on my visit to UT regarding credits/grade was that you need 30 credits for them to make a decision whether to admit you or not. Since I have 26 credits, I must wait until May when I send in my spring grades to hear whether or not I’ll be admitted to the engineering school.</p>

<p>ah i see. looks like we have to work for another hard semester. thats crazy. good luck =)</p>

<p>yes you will have to wait until you send in your spring transcript for them to make a decision. If I were you, being so close to 30, I would have taken another class so I could receive my decision months earlier.</p>

<p>ya well i took the challenge test. so i dunno if they’ll give me the credit in time or not. i did not plan correctly. at first i thought that they’ll make a decision before u have 30 hours and then check this semesters grade to make sure u didnt screw up. but oh well.</p>

<p>Could you take an online UT Extension class to quickly pick up 3 more credits?</p>

<p>Extension is a good idea. If you are not familiar with it, here is the link.</p>

<p>[The</a> University of Texas at Austin :: University Extension](<a href=“Career-Focused Education | Extended Campus at UT Austin”>Career-Focused Education | Extended Campus at UT Austin)</p>

<p>If you know happen to have had some Spanish and don’t have college Spanish credit, for $635 you can do a series of assignments and get 5 credits for </p>



<p>the thing is. am an international student. and my deadline is 1st of feb. so, im pretty much short on time. i challenged a course and it should give me 5 credits, but i have no idea when they are going to put it on my transcript :(</p>