<p>Before i am off to UCSD, I'm planning to take summer classes at my local college.
I undeclared my major; however, I've heard that taking GEs not based on your major will be wasting time and money compare to those who have decided their major and will be taking relevant classes. I am admitted to Warren College. Can i take one of two writing classes at my local city college instead of taking them when i enter college?</p>
<p>I really don't get the general education for warren! so for formal skills, I've already taken AP calc ab and bc, do i still have to take them?</p>
<p>General Education
Two courses to be selected from a list including calculus, symbolic logic, computer programming, and statistics.
(for B.A./B.S. degrees in arts/sciences)
Two programs of concentration, each typically consisting of three lower- division and three upper-division courses. Both programs must be non- contiguous to the major and to each other.
(for B.S. degrees in engineering)
Two area studies each consisting of three courses. One area of study in humanities/fine arts and one in social sciences.
Minor/Additional Graduation Requirements</p>
<p>Optional MinorStudents may choose a noncontiguous minor in lieu of a program of concentration.
*One cultural diversity in U.S. society course to be chosen from an approved list as part of the major, programs of concentration/area studies, or elective.
Minimum Number of Courses Required for Graduation</p>
<p>B.A./B.S. degrees require 45 courses (180 units). At least 15 courses (60 units) must be upper-division.</p>
<p>And just some extra questions!
-they didn't require me to pay the deposit fee, is it because im low income?
-for housing app. where you can choose ur roommate, when do i get to decide on it?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>make sure whatever classes you take at your local CC is actually approved for transfer, otherwise you’ll just be wasting your time and money.</p>
<p>I second astrina - check with the academic advisor at UCSD before enrolling in any CC courses thinking they’ll let you skip courses at UCSD because they might very well not. </p>
<p>Another thing to consider - you’ll be going to UCSD, known for having accomplished professors and being surrounded by your academic peers, which sets a certain criteria for the courses. Presumably that’s part of the reason why you want to go to UCSD in the first place versus a much more low ranked college. Why try to throw that away and take the courses at a much lower level CC?</p>
<p>^ frequently it’s so we can get the less-interesting GEs out of the way and take more upper-division electives in their place. another reason is probably more important now with the substantial tuition hike – i took four classes at CC, which together would have added up to an extra quarter and a lot of $$$ at UCSD. instead, i graduated early and began my masters program at UCSD, which provided RAships and TAships to keep me financially afloat.</p>
<p>i think stocking up on GE classes at CCs is actually a really good idea. but this is just my opinion, and keep in mind i was a hardcore science major who had no intent on finishing the 5-quarter humanities sequence
renaissance thinker college, whatever.</p>
<p>You’re done with formal skills. I don’t believe that you can replace warren writing with CC classes. Since you’re undeclared, you can basically take random classes from anything (music to science to econ, etc) and use those towards your PoFcs.</p>
<p>Thank you! </p>
<p>*for writing, i can only take them at ucsd; formal skills: im done with,
i believe there is no language to take for Warren GEs.?</p>
<p>*for concentration of non engineering students (area of studies), i can choose 2 of whatever and take 3 courses from there???</p>
<p>*what is ethics and society?</p>
<p>*can someone please clarify what i can take at CC by just looking at the Warren’s GEs?</p>
<p>Engineering students take area studies, non engineering students are the ones that take PoFcs. Ethics and society is poli 27/28 which you can only take after warren writing. I don’t believe that there’s a substitute for that class either. So for pofc’s you pick 6 total classes under 2 of the subjects which are not related to your major. You have to take 3 upper divs and 3 other classes (you could take all upper divs and not lower divs but it’s your choice). </p>
<p>Which CC are you planning on going to?</p>
<p>there is CC called Cerritos College in my area.! for pofcs, i pick 6 classes under 2 of the subjects which are not related to my major; what if i am undeclared? do i just choose any subjects that seem interesting to me for my future major? if public policy/ political science/ education are the interesting majors for me, do i take the classes (3 upper and 3 lower total) that are related to those majors? </p>
<p>-Basically, i can only take some areas of the pofcs in my CC, which i have no idea on because i don’t know what classes are related to pofcs.
-should i even go to summer classes in my CC? or just rest as a high school senior break?? </p>
<p>Thank you very much xpenguin!!!</p>
<p>Since you’re undeclared, it’s a bit more difficult to pick out your PofCs right away, but you can take a bunch of classes to decide what you wish your major to be. Since public policy/poli sci/education is your ideal major, your PoFcs would be sciences & humanities (unrelated to your major). </p>
<p>Here’s a link to the warren advising handbook with some recommended classes for each PoFcs: <a href=“http://warren.ucsd.edu/_files/academic-forms/advising_handbook.pdf[/url]”>http://warren.ucsd.edu/_files/academic-forms/advising_handbook.pdf</a></p>
<p>And the equivalent of said course from cerritos –> UCSD: [ASSIST</a> Report: CERRITOS 09-10 UCSD Articulation Agreement by Department](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>
<p>Honestly, senior summer was simply amazing. It’s a 3 month period of time with your high school friends that you most likely won’t get to see in college. I’d probably regret taking classes vs. spending time with my friends because you have the next 4 years of your college life to spend your vacation time for summer courses and whatnot. I say this mostly because once college starts, your friends will probably do summer school (especially science majors) and you won’t get to see them as much. I think you should just relax and spend your summer 2010 without academics, but that’s just my input. </p>
<p>No problem! Feel free to ask any more questions if you have any. Sorry if my answers aren’t super clear, my mind’s a little foggy from cramming ^^</p>
<p>nooo, youre answers are very helpful! the link for warren handbook was great! altho it was very hard to understand…
soo i can choose, for example, public service and law and society. and then take 6 courses related to those majors?</p>
<p>Yup! Don’t worry too much about it for now and just remember you can always ask your warren adviser when you’re actually here.</p>
<p>i got accepted to Revelle, does anyone know if i can take the required GE classes in my local college in stead of taking at UCSD?</p>
<p>if it’s on assist.org, you can take it at your local CC. but keep in mind you HAVE to do three out of your five-quarter humanities requirement at ucsd. (new rule)</p>