Extracurricular section on UC app for Transfers

I’m confused by the way things are worded and formatted on the application.
It says:

"Add and briefly describe any extracurricular activities in which you have participated beginning in ninth grade.

Examples: team captain of varsity soccer team, student body president, school yearbook editor, first chair of high school symphony orchestra, lead actor of high school play, JROTC Leadership Education Training.

You may enter up to five extracurricular activities."

But I see no section for Community College activities? Would I put my EC here and just list it as 12th+ and the number of years after? I’m a returning student so it seems weird to put 12th+ then 7 years after.

Yes, just list your after high school ECs and then how many years you’ve done the activity.

Huh but I see no section that says how many years you did the activity it only says:

“During which high school years were you involved?
Please check which years you were involved.”

If I select 12th+ then:
“Number of years after 12th:”

So does that mean number of years you were involved with the EC? Or number of years after 12th that you started the EC.

Sorry I just don’t wanna mess up xd.

You know, i’ve never understood that. It’s not written well. I think I went with number of years involved but someone else might do something else.

So I just called the UC application help center and they said to put how many years after 12th did you begin that activity.

This is so strange for me because I had no real organized ECs in high school, but i have tons from CC.

The wording is awful and should be changed to cause less confusion.