Extracurriculars on application

<p>Hey everyone. So I'm filling out my app to VT but I don't see anywhere to put ECs on the application. Anyone could explain this?

<p>At some point in the app, they Look for that info.</p>

<p>It’s there.</p>

<p>Is the application finished after those five pages? Because the only place I can see for activities is on the 5th page where they ask what you did since high school if you already graduated.</p>

<p>Rocknroll, I pulled my son’s copy of his application. On his printout, it appears right after “Test Information” “Please List your past or planned test dates:” The next section is “Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Please provide details of all organizations you’ve held membership in” and then the next section is “Honors and Awards” and then next section is “Volunteer Work.” Some of your ec’s would be volunteer work and others would be listed under “Leadership and Extracurricular Activities.” They leave it up to you to make the list for each category.</p>

<p>If you are a transfer student then do not worry about it. They do not look at extracurricular activities. Transfer students have a different application than freshman students. Admissions pay more attention in what you have taken and the grades you have gotten in them.</p>