Extracurriculars, should i submit?

<p>i didn't submit a list of my extracurriculars cause the application didn't really have a place for it. i've already been accepted into the school as of last week, but i would like to be considered for scholarships and other stuff, so should i send those in? how would i do that?</p>


<p>I just submitted a very informal paper with a list of my activities and accomplishments</p>

<p>but i’ve already been accepted, so how do i send in additional information?</p>

<p>When I sent an email to admissions asking about the activity list, this is what they responded with:</p>

<p>“Thank you for your interest in the University of Pittsburgh. The quickest way to get your activities sheet to us would be by e-mail. You may send this e-mail to <a href=“mailto:oafa@pitt.edu”>oafa@pitt.edu</a> . Please make sure when you send the e-mail that you put your name and address on it as well as put the activity list in the body of the e-mail. We are unable to open attachments due to the threat of viruses. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at any point.”</p>

<p>But, I think your best bet might be to call them Monday since you have been admitted already, and you will want to ask more specifically about making sure it is used in consideration for your scholarship review.</p>

<p>Thank you very much, guys! :)</p>

<p>yeah that’s what i did. i submitted my app before i submitted my essay and ec list. once i was accepted i e-mailed pitt my info.</p>