<p>I received an F in one of my courses should I email the teacher or wait until after the break? If the F cannot be fixed do I take the course over with the same teacher and turn in the same work or take it with a different teacher? Should I take it next semester or wait?</p>

<p>I’m not quite sure what you mean by fixing an F. If the F is due to not handing in your last assignment, perhaps the professor will be kind enough to give you one more opportunity to send it in. Otherwise, an F is an F. Were you expecting an F in the class or has this come as a surprise to you?</p>

<p>If you retake the class, you should take it with a different professor. In addition, retaking the class doesn’t mean that the F disappears from your transcript. The F will appear as well as the new grade for the second time you take the class. At least that it how I understand it.</p>

<p>Why’d you get the F?</p>

<p>Colleges have different policies. Some erase your old grade, but add in a sign on your transcript that indicate that you retook it.</p>

<p>Also, if you got the F because of extraneous circumstances, some schools have special options to help you out. I would investigate those.</p>

<p>I’m going to contact the prof to see what I got on my last assignments</p>

<p>my condolences.</p>

<p>If there wasn’t a mistake and you really got an F, if you re-take the class and hand in the same work, you’ll probably make an F again (especially if it’s with the same professor, although theoretically it’d happen with a different professor as well). In addition, at some schools it is an honor code violation to hand in work that you produced for and was graded in a previous class.</p>


<p>Hi! I had some questions regarding recent developments in my senior year. My school has a program with a local college in which seniors are required to take two college classes, one of which is a mandatory Freshman English seminar, bearing college credit. The other class is up to you to decide, provided it fits in with your schedule. I got placed in a class that had a 60 average, for 42 years straight, according to the professor. I took my final today, and I am scared out of my wits, don’t know if I failed or not.</p>

<p>My midyear grades for school are perfectly fine; I have always had a virgin 4 GPA and thankfully, my school grades have not suffered. However, this year, I have taken AP Calculus BC, a subject that I have difficulty in. Unfortunately, with all my devotion to Calculus, my college class fell in the crossroads. My school will be sending a separate college transcript along with my midyear report. I have an A in my college English class, but as for the other class, who knows? Should I send an explanatory letter to colleges? Any suggestions are welcome!</p>

<p>an explanatory letter that says what?</p>

<p>“I tried to take hard classes but I couldn’t handle them”?</p>

<p>I’m not trying to be mean, but… unless there is a good reason for your low grades, you can’t “explain” them. Maybe your grade is not even that bad? A 60 average does not mean that half of the class fails. It means that the averages are 60, and then they get curved up to a certain point.</p>

<p>Kenshi, why did you get an F??? An F either means you totally didn’t show any sign of interest for the course or your prof. is kind of a ****** and doesn’t give a pass for effort.</p>

<p>60% average is just the average. It’s even possbile that no one failed in that class. I wrote 10 AP exams and I didn’t feel any regret even though by not taking them and taking “regular” courses I could’ve easily achieved a 4.0. But, eventually you’ll realize learning/=high marks.</p>

<p>To add to augustuscaesar’s post:</p>



<p>I suppose you could email the teacher and explain why your grade should be fixed, but an F is an F I’m sure the professor didn’t just fail you to fail you. If you retake the course your school might override the grade you received previously.</p>

<p>Some people don’t belong in college…and need to realize that.</p>

<p>“Kenshi, why did you get an F??? An F either means you totally didn’t show any sign of interest for the course or your prof. is kind of a ****** and doesn’t give a pass for effort.”</p>

<p>I don’t mean to butt in without giving any real advice here, but why should a student pass for effort? If you don’t meet the standards, you don’t meet the standards. This is college. You don’t get a gold star for just showing up and attempting the work.</p>

<p>It was a required art class and I am not good at art. I did try but art is a skill you are born with not something you can learn.</p>

<p>was it like a drawing class? what type of art class was it? at my school they offer a Art History class? you don’t need to know about art or have any skills for something like that. There’s a music course they offer where you’d have to listen to music and it’s introductory stuff. No skills required there.</p>

<p>Did you try at all in the class?</p>

<p>Yea it required drawing and yes I did turn in as much work as I could. I didn’t drop because I turned in a few things in before drop/add and saw I was getting Cs so I figured I would make it. I was unable to turn in 2 assignments so I turned in what ever I could on the final day of class. Not sure what I got on those and now I know. I thought I could handle taking 8 classes I wanted to get the garbage classes out of the way so I can just focus on my major. I ended up screwing myself :sighs:</p>

<p>lesson learned: know your limits.</p>

<p>yea… not turning in assignments, when there are minimal amounts of them, is not going to be good for you. Luckily, you have learned, and you can bounce back from this.</p>