FA w/2 kids at BS

<p>I'm hoping that some of you might have experience with this issue. We have a son at BS now who is on significant FA. We always thought that he would be the only one to attend. His younger brother is very impressed and also wants to attend BS, but I could never afford both. Are we likely to get more aid if they attend different schools. There will also be another child going to college. Is that considered???</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Currently, I’m a senior at a BS (but a day student) who is on FA and I have a younger sibling who also just entered BS (and is boarding) last year. From our experience, schools definitely do take into consideration 1) college tuition and 2) BS tuition paid either to the same school or to others. It has been affordable (albeit difficult, as always) for us to have two kids in BS simultaneously. I’d have to imagine that your sons would probably get significant if not full aid from their respective schools - it really depends on the school though. As to the “different schools” part of the question, again, it really depends. My sib ended up going to a different BS than me (she got into mine and one other) because, first of all, it was a better school academically, but, secondly, it gave a far better finaid package than my school did. However, your son might go to a school with a larger endowment/better finaid program than mine - it varies quite a bit.</p>

<p>One thing to be aware of, though, is how the current financial crisis will be impacting financial aid awards. They may be lower, and many may be rejected outright simply because the school cannot afford the financial aid burden. (This happened to me with Choate, but is likely to be much more frequent this year.)</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>The way I understand it, the SSS computes a family’s ability to pay and then divides by the number of children enrolled in fee charging schools. That is the EFC (Estimated family contribution) for that particular kid. So the same figure SSS spit out for one, is the same they spit out for two. You simply divide the number in half or thirds or whatever.</p>

<p>However once the schools get a hold of the SSS report, they may do whatever they please with it. One school may meet your financial need (financial need = Cost of attendance minus EFC) and another may leave a gap. I don’t think it matters at all if you are talking one school or two (except the annual fund!)</p>

<p>If you have students in college and boarding school you need to note that in the special section for other expenses.</p>