Facebook 2019 Parents?

<p>Does anyone know if a group has been created?</p>

<p>Yes, it only has 12 members so far, but it’s there. Just search for The University of Alabama Class of 2019 Parents.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Wow- I just requested to be a member and noticed that they are actually up to 242 members.</p>

<p>Ok- nevermind, lol. The parent group is at 12, I initially saw the kids’ group at 242.</p>

<p>What happened to the basic The University of Alabama Parents groups? I went to post some info and all I get is “closed group” when I typed it in.</p>

<p>You need to send a request to join the group @Southlander. I think they had some non-affiliated folks join the group for rather unseemly purposes, so they’re trying to be very careful now and do a little screening. It’s for everyone’s protection, especially our kiddos’!</p>