<p>How do you guys react when you have a friend request ignored by someone you know well and do you confront the person or just let it go? Personally I feel hurt and yeah I take it personally.. :(</p>
<p>My personal suggestion: Bring it up in a few days once you’ve had the chance to calm down.</p>
<p>They don’t know what they’re missing – how could anyone not accept EuropeanGurl?</p>
<p>I’ll beat 'em up for you. I got your back.</p>
<p>haha thank you!^ very kind of you to do so,hehe! and I think I’ll do just that:)</p>
<p>haha i’m glad i could help you out.</p>
<p>so whose ass am i kicking?</p>
<p>a few people… LOL! :D</p>
<p>Are you sure they’ve even seen it? What if they just haven’t checked their Facebook in a while? Or what if they have a million pending requests and haven’t had time to see who they know and who they don’t?</p>
<p>oh believe me this person seen my request! They signed on and added some of the friend suggestions I was kind enough to send to them when I added them as a friend. After keeping me pending forever I got some alerts that a few of my friends are friends with the person I sent friend suggestions to. When I waited to see if I went to this person’s profile the ADD AS A FRIEND button was there. SO I added them again it again thinking that maybe they clicked ignore by accident and no later did I send the 2nd request they ignored me the second they got my friend request. You know whats weird though? I already told them that I’d like to be friend them on FB and they were like oh ok send me a friend request. Grrrr some people are just so confusing! :(</p>
<p>do you have a class with this person? if so, casually ask them why they didn’t accept your friend request</p>
<p>ya i do have some classes:( But wouldn’t asking them straight forward make me sound pathetic? They probably be all like “ooh its only FB”! :P</p>
<p>haha uhh let’s see. just start a conversation with them whenever y’all aren’t doing anything in class and say something along the lines of, “so yea… I was on fb yesterday and saw that you ignored my friend request? why is that? (or, ‘what’s up with that?’)”</p>
<p>bahaha just made that up off the top of my head.</p>
<p>I had a few people reject me, and I now think of all of them as D-bags.</p>
<p>I don’t request anymore.</p>
<p>Maybe they don’t use Facebook very often? I doesn’t always have to be personal…</p>
<p>You’re placing way too much importance on something as petty as a Facebook friendship? That’s your first problem.</p>
<p>Your second problem is that you join a college discussion forum to post in almost exclusively gossip/drama/HSL threads.</p>
<p>Whoa, what is Saugus doing back???</p>
<p>Do you know each other’s names?</p>
<p>I hate it when that happens.</p>
<li><p>Is a guy who thinks he’s all that because he got a lead part in a Nickolodeon pilot (that I don’t think was picked up, heh) but in reality he’s just a lame freshman that most of the school hates. =/</p></li>
<li><p>Is a girl who unfriended every student from my school.</p></li>
<p>Basically, I only friended these two because I needed to send them important messages, but then they didn’t accept, so they lost out on the messages.</p>
<p>waterboy your mackin like a true bro. rahspect mah brodda</p>
<p>hahaha i remember way back when I was a freshman and I just got a facebook. I friended some of my classmates who I thought I was on good terms with…in a friendly acquaintance way but some of them rejected my request and I kinda took it personally as lame as that may sound ever since i see them as d-bags. It’s kind of funny b/c it kind of shows their true colors and they’re such losers now. I mean, I was new to the state & HS–and yes, really LAME omg as a freshman i feel embarassed just thinking about how i dressed and acted and everything…but it’s all good now cuz im cool
<p>I take it personally too if i get unfriended- i don’t really care if it’s someone i barely knew but i hurts if it’s someone close to you. It makes me dislike that person all of a sudden.</p>
<p>I sound sooo pathetic right now lmaoooo.</p>
<p>I just guess the person either wants to add people they know well and/or they don’t really know me, or maybe they just don’t like me. lol I never question the person about it though. I’d feel bad, especially seeing it’s just Facebook. But I do take it a little personally.</p>