<p>So I know all about the "dangers of Facebook" in college admissions process, but I'm not too worried since my page is private (even though that apparently doesn't matter) and I really don't have anything to hide. But, what I was wondering was if it'd be a bad idea to join the accepted students' group of the schools I got into EA. I don't want my reach colleges that I'm applying to RD to think that I'm more commited to these other schools.</p>
<p>No advice? :(</p>
<p>I don’t think it would make a difference either way. Personally, I’m not buying any college T-shirts or joining any Facebook groups until I enroll at an institution.</p>
<p>I’ve already joined 2 groups and I haven’t even heard from my top choice yet… now I’m really paranoid lol. Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>Do you really think they care about you that much to use that as a factor…?</p>
<p>Think, are they gonna do that with 30,000+ applicants? Seriously?</p>
<p>I’m just saying that there is evidence that certain schools do, geez. lol</p>
<p>And I’m not buying any t-shirts until I enroll of course either. I’m just joining FB groups to further familiarize myself with the schools so I can make the most informed decision.</p>
<p>if your profiles private the only way they could find out what groups you were in is if they searched through the lists of members of all the groups. unless they know where else you’re applying, they’d have no idea where to start. and i don’t think they even care so you’re fine</p>
<p>I HIGHLY doubt they care. Besides, why would they search the profiles of thousands of applicants just to see where else they are applying?</p>