
<p>this is something what italianboarder mentioned, and i really liked it!</p>

<p>not everyone has msn/aol, bt what do we all have? fb! so why don't we all pm each other (duee to security, my msn post thing i think got erased.. what happened to it!?) our link or wtever, and send on the list? or make a discreet group on fb.. so last one on the thread pass it on!</p>

<p>I’m in, one sec</p>

<p>but don’t say anything about boarding school on my wall, I haven’t told my friends yet</p>

<p>Yes, I think the MSN post was deleted, as it should have been for your own security.</p>

<p>so, i’ll pass the names to the last one on the thread who requests, and they do the same to the next person</p>

<p>please pass the names to meee!</p>

<p>I’ve made a facebook page! Either add me (PM me here on CC for my name, etc.) or search CC Prep Admissions Addicts on facebook!</p>

<p>haha, interesting.</p>

<p>It’ll be pretty cool what everyone is actually like when they’re not talking about school.</p>

<p>BTW, who’s starting it?</p>

<p>yup i’m in!!! add me too- pm me or something!!!</p>


<p>saer, pass itt onn</p>

<p>There was a group last year:</p>

<p>[The</a> Super Awesome Prep School Admissions CC people | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Facebook)</p>

<p>Sorry, I went to bed, it must not have said I was offline!</p>

<p>The CC Prep Admissions Addicts, is that this year’s group? If it is, please add me!</p>

<p>Could somebody pass it on? Thank you :)</p>

<p>plz accept me in the group?
my name on facebook is June-Elizabeth so…yeah. plz accept me xD</p>

<p>hello! add mee! PM me for name!</p>

<p>Hey, I created a facebook just for CC, lol.</p>

<p>PM me for my name, or PM me yours :D</p>