FAFSA and "ALL" Family Assets - Trust

I realize I am likely behind and I did call FAFSA, but I couldn’t qet the representative to answer my question. My child’s father and I are not married, but live in the same household. I understand both our income has to be taken into consideration. My child had a job this past summer and I know that goes in too.

But, my child and I inherited money from a relative who died. The money going to my child was transferred to her in December 2016. Most of the financial assets coming to me are in a trust with a unique tax id. The remaining financial assets with an even different tax id are hung up in a legal issue, but not in court.

I assume I have to figure out how to add all the information manually? Also, I see it asks for account balances. What date do you use for that?

Edited title

Acct balances on the day you file FAFSA

Not sure what you mean by “add all the information manually.” In all but some fairly rare circumstances, assets in a trust are reported on FAFSA as a trust beneficiary asset, just like any other FAFSA reportable asset that the trust beneficiary owns on the date that FAFSA is filed.

All assets are entered manually. They can’t be imported from elsewhere…this would include bank account balances, value if the trust, secondary real estate…etc.

Does monies awarded in a court settlement for injuries which are to go for future medical bills be included?

moderators note
@ambkeegan, it is bad form to hijack someone else’s thread. please begin your own thread for your own question, you will most likely get answers to your particular situation.